17. Eternal-Clash (86 players)

Organizer: Max Tiedemann
Judge manager: Max Tiedemann
Event type: Other
Format: Legacy
Event date(s): June 1, 2019
Location: Flensburg, Germany
Venue: Mürwiker Str. 155A
24944 Flensburg
Applications accepted through: May 18, 2019

Event Information


Hello fellow Judges,


Let us keep this running ;-)

2019-06-01 is Eternal-Clash Number 17. If you are interested in judging a community organized, competitive Legacy Event in Flensburg, then we can make you happy. What we need is up to 2 motivated Judges to help me running this event. Calls are handled mostly in english.



will be 50€ for L1 and 70€ for L2 plus food plus drinks plus candy all day long.



Venue opens: 09.30  AM

Judgemeeting: 10.00 AM

End Registration: 10:45 AM

Format: Legacy

Rules Enforcement Level: Competitive

Tournament Structure: 6 (≤64) or 7 (>64) rounds of Swiss + cut to the Top 8

on demand Legacy side event will start after the 4th round of the main event 


More information at

at eternal-clash.com and FB.com/EternalClash/

pictures from previos events on https://www.facebook.com/pg/EternalClash/photos/


Feel free to ask, if you have any questions

Greetz, Max

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Mathias Grontzki
Level 2 (Judge Academy) German-speaking countries Floor Judge
Max Tiedemann
Level 2 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Head Judge
Andre Bals
Level 1 (Judge Academy) German-speaking countries Floor Judge
Jonny Klemmer
Uncertified German-speaking countries Floor Judge