Budget Sealed Amsterdam

Organizer: Dustin de Leeuw
Judge manager: Dustin De Leeuw
Event type: Other
Format: Sealed Deck
Event date(s): June 1, 2019-Dec. 31, 2019
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Venue: Café 2 Klaveren
De Clercqstraat 136
1052 NP Amsterdam
Applications accepted through: Oct. 17, 2019

Event Information

Hello judges!

I'm looking for Head Judges for the Budget Sealed series, a casual and relaxed 4-round tournament played in the basement of the famous Café 2 Klaveren with an expected attendance of 20-30 players. This is a repeating tournament which is held 6-7 times per year; you may apply for 1 or multiple events. At the same time as the Budget Sealed, there wil be a Competitive Legacy event on the ground floor, which will be Head-Judged by me! :)



Saturday June 1st: Toby Hazes

Sunday August 25th: Michel Degenhardt

Sunday October 6th: Paul Ganzevoort

Sunday December 1st: Cancelled because of Legacy MF Bologna

Saturday December 7th: Toby Hazes



Your tasks include: setting up the play area (which may include moving some tables and chairs), writing table numbers, preparing booster boxes, distributing boosters and prizes, opening speech, quick clean up during deck construction and after the event. I will do the scorekeeping, but feel free to enter some results if you like. Regardless of the amount of players, the event is always 4 rounds, no play-offs. Call time 10.30, event starts at 11.15, expected end time 16.30. This is a sanctioned event for which you'll be the HJ and I'll be your FJ. And while you may opt for just judging, I encourage you to play the event as well, as that's more fun for everyone!


*Lunch, drinks, bitterballen

*Travel compensation (based on public transport, maximum 25 euro)

*Free entry to the event or 25 euro cash or 10 boosters of the current set

Travel Options

The best way to get into Amsterdam Centre is obviously by bike. The café is quite easy to get to from Amsterdam Central Station, either by tram or by foot. If you're coming from further away, please be advised that parking close to the café is extremely expensive. If you come by car, I suggest you drive to my place in Amsterdam Buitenveldert (close to VU Hospital), park your car for free, then hop into my car; in that case, I expect you at 9.45 and we'll be back around 17.30.

Dress Code

Judge Black is an option if you fancy, but as this is a very casual Regular REL event in which you are (hopefully) playing, wear whatever makes you comfortable and doesn't offend others :) I will wear Judge Black as the Legacy event is Competitive, but so far, HJ's of the Budget Sealed just wear whatever. I do appreciate a name badge if you have one. 


Information is subject to change. Dates after June 1st may change based on the MCQ schedule. You can always change your availability later on.

Final Remarks

Wow, this all of a sudden sounds super serious... while in fact, it's just a cool tournament with a very relaxed, friendly and casual atmosphere, a nice mix of Pro Tour veterans and new players, some rules questions and rarely a communication error, cool people, and amazing home-made ice tea, good coffee and famous hot sandwiches for lunch. Looking forward to judging this together!

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Dustin De Leeuw
Level 3 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Staff
Toby Hazes
Level 2 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Head Judge
Paul Ganzevoort
Level 1 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Head Judge
Michel Degenhardt
Uncertified BeNeLux Head Judge