7. DEATCH Judge-Konferenz in Berlin
Organizer: | Ralph Glätsch, Tristan Hof, Mark Gerzberg, Julien Al-Rubel, Christian Gienger, Stefan Ladstätter |
Judge manager: | Stefan Ladstätter-Thaa |
Event type: | Judge Conference |
REL: | N/A |
Format: | No Format |
Event date(s): | Oct. 5, 2019-Oct. 6, 2019 |
Location: | Berlin, Germany |
Venue: | Neue Adresse: H:32 FinTech Hub Hardenbergstraße 32 10623 Berlin / Charlottenburg Germany https://www.eventinc.de/eventlocation/berlin/h-32-fintech-hub |
Applications accepted through: | Sept. 4, 2019 |
Event Information
Hallo zusammen!
Wir laden euch hiermit zur siebten deutschsprachigen Judgekonferenz ein! Der Schwerpunkt liegt dieses Mal darauf, als Region und als Judges zusammen zu wachsen und zusammenzuwachsen.
ACHTUNG: Die Location hat sich geändert! Hier ist die neue Adresse:
H:32 FinTech Hub
Hardenbergstraße 32
10623 Berlin / Charlottenburg
Freitag 4.10. ab 19:30 Uhr: Abendessen beim Georgier (Adresse wird noch bekanntgegeben)
Samstag, 5.10.:
9:30-11:00: Start, Ankommen, Gruppen bilden, die eigene Gruppe kennenlernen
11:10-12:30: State of the Region, Zeit für eure Fragen
12:30-13:45: Mittagspause
13:45-16:00: Feedback & Communication
16:00-17:30: Moving Motivators
17:30-18:00: Ausklang
Sonntag, 6.10.:
9:30-11:30: Start, “Präsentationen”
11:30-12:30: Feedback schreiben
12:30-13:45: Mittagspause
13:45-15:10: Wissensbörse
15:20-15:45: Ausklang und Abschied
Seminare und Workshops
Das genaue Seminar-Programm wird wie immer ca. 2 Wochen vor der Konferenz bekanntgegeben.
Solltest du Interesse haben, ein Seminar zu halten, dann melde dich bitte bei Tristan Hof.
Unterbringung und Verpflegung
ACHTUNG: Die Unterkunft hat sich geändert!
Wir haben im CITYHOSTEL BERLIN eine Anzahl 4 Bett-Zimmer reserviert, zum Extra-Spezialpreis von 22 EUR pro Bett und Nacht (Frühstück inkl.). Wichtig: Falls wir für dich dort ein Bett reservieren sollen, musst du dich bis spätestens 31. Juli zur Konferenz anmelden!! Bitte gib bei der Anmeldung an, ob du dort ein Bett möchtet oder ob du dir lieber einen anderen Schlafplatz organisiert.
Am Samstag und am Sonntag wird es ein gemeinsames Mittagessen geben (Preis p.P. ca. 5 EUR).
Hast du Fragen?
Bei Fragen einfach eine E-Mail schicken oder uns auf Discord kontaktieren (https://discord.gg/PjGjft3). Wir haben extra dafür einen Chat-Channel eingerichtet (#judgekonferenz).
Staff Members
Name |
Level |
Role |
Klaus Lassacher
Level 4 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Philip Ockelmann
Level 4 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Sebastian Braune
Level 3 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Konrad Eibl
Level 3 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Christian Gienger
Level 3 (International Judge Program) | Tournament Organizer |
Paul Heidenreich
Level 3 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Stefan Ladstätter-Thaa
Level 3 (International Judge Program) | Tournament Organizer |
Ivan Petkovic
Level 3 (International Judge Program) | Presenter |
Michael Schöttke
Level 3 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Julien Al-Rubei
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Tournament Organizer |
Markus Dietrich
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Betim Kai Gecaj
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Mark Gerzberg
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Tournament Organizer |
Ralph Glätsch
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Tournament Organizer |
Tristan Hof
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Tournament Organizer |
Benjamin Kaiser
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Emil Kirschbaum
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Lukas Kuhn
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Christian Marx
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Tim Matzke
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Patrick Morina
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Vasilis Papoutsakis
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Lutz Pfitzner
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Heinrich Schild
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Dirk Schlösser
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Helge Stoffregen
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Max Tiedemann
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Martina Eva Tonković
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Yanneck Tscheu
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Nicole Weber
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Philip Wieland
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Michael Wiese
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Eduard Blumstein
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Elmar Franek
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Jochen Frenster
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Christian Harms
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Stefan Krall
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Jan Lenger
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Mani Madani
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Robin Michaelsen
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Gregor Otto
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Laurenz Raddatz
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Markus Radspieler
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Mike Rothe
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Christoph Schurr
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Umut Berke Yetim
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Attendee |
Steffen Baumgart
Uncertified | Attendee |
Joshua Berg
Uncertified | Attendee |
Tobias Bergmann
Uncertified | Attendee |
Esra Bohlender
Uncertified | Attendee |
Stephanie Bressin
Uncertified | Attendee |
Abdullah Caliskan
Uncertified | Attendee |
Matteo Callegari
Uncertified | Attendee |
Sandor Dalecke
Uncertified | Attendee |
Ulrich Dammann
Uncertified | Attendee |
Patrick Diehne
Uncertified | Attendee |
Frieder-Michel Drenger
Uncertified | Attendee |
Linus Eckhard
Uncertified | Attendee |
Matthias Freis
Uncertified | Attendee |
Alexander Gehlsdorf
Uncertified | Attendee |
Matthias Gerwert
Uncertified | Attendee |
Peter Glaser
Uncertified | Attendee |
Sami Golla
Uncertified | Attendee |
Martin Graf
Uncertified | Attendee |
Jonas Grohmann
Uncertified | Attendee |
Mathias Grontzki
Uncertified | Attendee |
Kai-Simon Guther
Uncertified | Attendee |
Maximilian Hahn
Uncertified | Attendee |
Julian Hahne
Uncertified | Attendee |
Carolin Haul
Uncertified | Attendee |
Fabian Januchowski
Uncertified | Attendee |
Philipp Korsmeier
Uncertified | Attendee |
Denis Leber
Uncertified | Attendee |
Peter Lim
Uncertified | Attendee |
Simon Matthee
Uncertified | Attendee |
Tobias Meier
Uncertified | Attendee |
Marvin Münzberg
Uncertified | Attendee |
Beate Mußhoff
Uncertified | Attendee |
Dennis Nolting
Uncertified | Attendee |
Jörg Nottebrock
Uncertified | Attendee |
Florian Plank
Uncertified | Attendee |
Karl-Florian Platt
Uncertified | Attendee |
Kristof Prinz
Uncertified | Attendee |
Lucas Rehfeldt
Uncertified | Attendee |
Andreas Reim
Uncertified | Attendee |
Sebastian Reinfeldt
Uncertified | Attendee |
Etienne Restle
Uncertified | Attendee |
Andreas Riedel
Uncertified | Attendee |
Rouven Röhricht
Uncertified | Attendee |
ludwig scheuring
Uncertified | Attendee |
Robin Schönauer
Uncertified | Attendee |
Caspar Schulze
Uncertified | Attendee |
Thoralf Severin
Uncertified | Attendee |
Alexander Späth
Uncertified | Attendee |
Emil Stampa
Uncertified | Attendee |
David Trieu
Uncertified | Attendee |
Eser Unger
Uncertified | Attendee |
Nahuel Vöhringer
Uncertified | Attendee |
Sascha Waschul
Uncertified | Attendee |
Robert Wenke
Uncertified | Attendee |
Juergen Wierz
Uncertified | Attendee |