G&G1K Invitational Qualifier - Draft

Organizer: Geeks & Gamers Falkirk
Judge manager: Cayce Lauder
Event type: Other
Format: Booster Draft
Event date(s): June 15, 2019
Location: Falkirk, United Kingdom
Venue: Geeks & Gamers
47 High St,
Applications accepted through: June 6, 2019

Event Information

It's time for another qualifier for the Geeks & Gamers 1K Invitational, this one's going to be draft. I'm looking for one Standby judge for the event, but it is extremely likely that you'll be activated.


Due to the nature of the event (it's going to be mostly War of the Spark draft, with a single pod of Modern Horizons draft) I'm looking for an experienced judge who is familiar with both Competetive Rules Enforcement and the War of the Spark Limited environment. The prize structure highly disincentivises draws so you'll need to be vigilant for both Slow Play and Improperly Determining a Winner. Somewhere in your application, please tell my why Eevee is better than other Pokemon. A good knowledge of Modern will be useful too, as the Top 8 pod will be drafting Modern Horizons. 


The event will begin at 11am, so you'll need to be available from then. It is expected to run for around eight hours.


Compensation will be £70 cash if you're activated, and food and drinks will be provided from the store's cafe. In the unlikely event that you're not activated you'll be able to play the event for free.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Cayce Lauder
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Head Judge
Craig Mackie
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Stephen Murray
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Tournament Organizer