Comp REL Bootcamp 4: The Best One
Organizer: | Jason Riendeau |
Judge manager: | Jason Riendeau |
Event type: | Judge Conference |
REL: | N/A |
Format: | Mixed Formats |
Event date(s): | Sept. 22, 2019 |
Location: | Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Venue: | Tabletop Shop 741 New Britain Ave Newington, CT 06111 |
Applications accepted through: | Aug. 31, 2019 |
Event Information
Hello, judges!
On behalf of the Northeast Region, I'm pleased to announce that we are doing another judge meetup in the form of a Judge mock tournament!
We will be simulating a Comp REL tournament with the help of multiple volunteers acting as players, Team Leads, and a HJ. Over the course of the day, we will go through each facet of a Comp REL event.
Participants will be rotating through roles as the various teams. They will learn how to prepare for a Comp REL tournament, how to make announcements, how to handle deck checks with actual decks to check, how to handle the floor, and lots of feedback on investigations and rulings.
We will need judges to act as players, judges to act as team leads/the HJ, and judges to act as judges.
The event will be capped at 60 people due to space constraints.
As a sign of appreciation, Wizards of the Coast allows us to offer attendees a selection of promotional foil cards. The exact packet is not known at this time, but will include four promotional cards. These foils are available if you meet the following criteria:
-Register for the conference by applying to this JudgeApps event
-Be a certified (Level 1 or higher) Judge with a correct level in JudgeApps at the time you apply, or if you certify after applying, email me at with your updated level
-Fill out at least 2 Flash Feedback cards for others at this event
Team Leads/HJ - 10:00 call time
Players and judges - 10:30 call time
We'll have coffee and some form of baked goods in the morning.
There will be 3 rounds and short post-round debriefings.
The tournament will start at 11:00, and it will conclude around 4 in the afternoon.
Level 1 testing will be available, and level 2 testing may be available. If you are interested, please email me ( ) before Aug 31st.
Staff Members
Name |
Level |
Role |
Elliot Raff
Level 3 (Judge Academy) | Player |
Leo Castellblanch
Level 2 (Judge Academy) | Player |
Simon Cooper
Level 2 (Judge Academy) | Player |
Joseph Curran
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Ian Kernohan
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Team Lead |
Alex Martin
Level 2 (Judge Academy) | Head Judge |
Eli Meyer
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Presenter |
Andy Parris
Level 2 (Judge Academy) | Team Lead |
Jason Riendeau
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Judge Manager |
James Stone
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Joseph Achille
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) | Judge Manager |
Joseph Artusa
Level 1 (Judge Academy) | Player |
William Cordes
Level 1 (Judge Academy) | Floor Judge |
Ethan Laakso
Level 1 (Judge Academy) | Player |
Khoa Leu
Level 1 (Judge Academy) | Player |
Raphael Mark
Level 1 (Judge Academy) | Player |
Joseph Previti
Level 1 (Judge Academy) | Player |
Thomas Wynne
Level 1 (Judge Academy) | Floor Judge |
Forrest Armstrong
Uncertified | Player |
Kevin Baldwin
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Elijah Ostrow
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Reilly Power
Uncertified | Player |
Cory Valiquette
Uncertified | Player |