Melbourne Mythic Championship Qualifier #2 for Mythic Championship VI 2019

Organizer: Glenn Doyle
Judge manager: Mark Brown
Event type: Mythic Championship Qualifier
REL: Competitive
Format: Modern
Event date(s): Aug. 18, 2019
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Venue: Coburg Town Hall,
90 Bell Street,
Coburg VIC 3058
Applications accepted through: July 26, 2019

Event Information

Glenn Doyle and Good Games are looking for judges for a Mythic Championship Qualifier at Coburg Town Hall on Sunday 18th August.  We want this to be an excellent event and cannot do it without amazing judges.

This application only covers 1 of the Mythic Championship Qualifiers, there are a total of 4 being run this season: 2 in Melbourne and 2 in Sydney.  Applications for each are separate to make it easier to staff each day and have standbys for the individual events.  Each event will be staffed separately, if you apply only for this event you will not be considered for the other Melbourne event.

We are looking for a Head Judge and 4 Floor Judges with up to 2 Standby Judges for each event.  We are also looking for a scorekeeper for the 2 Melbourne events only.

The event will be run at Competitive Rules Enforcement, good knowledge of the IPG, MTR and Magic Rules will be required.

In the application please select which roles you are applying for.  If you only apply for Head Judge you will not be considered for Floor Judge.

In the cover letter, please provide a brief summary of your experience for the roles you are applying for.

Selected staff will receive the following:

Head Judge - 54 boosters of Modern Horizons Product 
Floor Judge - 1 Box of  Modern Horizons Product 
Scorekeeper - 54 boosters of Modern Horizons  Product 

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Level 3 (Oceanic Judge Association) Australia and New Zealand Judge Manager
Daniel Blackbourne
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Australia and New Zealand Floor Judge
Mark Brown
Level 2 (Oceanic Judge Association) Australia and New Zealand Judge Manager
Tomas Daniel
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Australia and New Zealand Scorekeeper
James Dowling
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Australia and New Zealand Head Judge
Gareth Pye
Level 2 (Oceanic Judge Association) Australia and New Zealand Floor Judge
Elizabeth Wallace
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Australia and New Zealand Floor Judge
Andrew Anastasi
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Australia and New Zealand Floor Judge
Jaime Del Río Figueroa
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Hispanic America - South Floor Judge
Morgan Meehan-Lam
Uncertified Australia and New Zealand Floor Judge