Judge Mini-Conference

Organizer: Mid-Atlantic Magic Judges
Judge manager: Martha Lufkin
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): Sept. 14, 2019
Location: Savage, Maryland, United States
Venue: Albert Einstein Classroom, HCLS Savage Branch

9525 Durness Lane, Laurel MD 20
Applications accepted through: Aug. 31, 2019

Event Information

Welcome to the DMV Fall Judge Mini-Conference! This community event will be presenting various topics focusing on community/team building and small group activities as well as hanging out with fellow judges in DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia.

Organizers: Martha "Skipper" Lufkin, Tate Prodigalidad, & DJ Andrucyk


All judges from the DMV area are encouraged to attend. Noncertified judges from the area are welcome to attend but will not receive foils unless they certify at or before the event.  Presenters are also given priority, hint hint. We will be accepting local attendees on a "rolling" basis until space fills, so don't delay, apply today.

Schedule & Location

Seminars are scheduled to start at 12:30pm, and end at 5:00pm.

The location is the HCLS Savage Branch in the Albert Einstein Classroom. 

Howard County Public Library, Savage Branch and STEM Education Center

9525 Durness La, Laurel, MD 20723


 "Gender Identity and Magic" by Kali Rainwater, "The Mentality of Regular" by DJ Andrucyk, "Meet Your Future Community Manager" with Eric Dustin Brown.


Level One testing can be arranged with advance notice. Please review the requirements. Let us know if you are interested and you will be contacted by the L1 testing coordinator: TBD

Level Two testing may be available. Please review the requirements and submit a self-nomination form. If testing is available, you will be contacted by the L2 testing coordinator.

If you are interested in testing, please make note in your application.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Eric Dustin Brown
Level 3 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Staff
Ryan Stapleton
Level 3 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Attendee
DJ Andrucyk
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Staff
Collin Edge
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee
Benjamin Harris
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Attendee
Martha Lufkin
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Judge Manager
Eddie Mountney
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee
Tate Prodigalidad
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Northeast Staff
Kali Rainwater
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Attendee
Derrin Ashley
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Attendee
Michael Lynguyen
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee
Johnathan Mondel
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Attendee
Sean Quinn
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Attendee
Zach Meadows
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Attendee