MCQ Richmond 1K - Game Time Indianapolis

Organizer: Game Time
Judge manager: Jeff Kruchkow
Event type: Mythic Championship Qualifier
REL: Competitive
Format: Modern
Event date(s): Sept. 15, 2019
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Venue: Game Time Indy
8244 Center Run Dr
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Applications accepted through: Sept. 1, 2019

Event Information

Game Time Indy is hosting a Mythic Championship Qualifier (Competitive REL Modern Event) on September 15th, 2019.

We are looking for one L2 judge and one L1 judges to work this event, as well as one L2 judge and one L1 judge to be on standby, to be activated at HJ and TO discretion based on attendance. Standby judges will get free entry into the event if they are not activated.

Due to the Comp REL and high stakes nature of the event, applicants are preferred to have a strong grasp of the IPG for this event.

Compensation with be 1 sealed box of current standard set per judge level or $75 Cash/Judge Level.  Lunch will be provided.

Call time for the event will be 9:30AM.  Judges are expected to be on time and stay until the end of Swiss. Volunteers will be requested to stay for top 8 if needed.

Judges are expected to conform to the Judge Uniform Guidelines which can be viewed here:

If you have any special considerations or need some accommodations, please let me know in your application.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Stephen Brown
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Shane Congrove
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Jeff Kruchkow
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Head Judge
Karl Simmons
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Standby
Renee "Lady" Buhr
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Standby