Mythic Championship Qualifier Richmond Presented by Pastimes

Organizer: Alan Hochman
Judge manager: John Temple
Event type: Mythic Championship Qualifier
REL: Competitive
Format: Modern
Event date(s): Sept. 21, 2019
Location: Niles, Illinois, United States
Venue: Pastimes Comics & Games
233 Golf Mill Drive
Niles, IL 60714
Applications accepted through: Sept. 13, 2019

Event Information

Pastimes is excited to have you join us in making this one of the best events of the year creating amazing Magic: the Gathering experiences for attendees of the Mythic Championship Qualifier for Richmond on September 21st, 2019. This application will allow you to apply for a Judge, Admin, or Standby role at this event.

The Head Judge for this event is TBD.


Please read the entire application before applying. Applications for this event will close on Friday, September 6th, 2019.

You can apply for as many roles as you like. If selected as a judge, you may be asked to assist in admin tasks.



If selected for a judging role, you may be asked to do any of the following:

-Judge the MCQ
-Judge On Demand Events

-Judge Scheduled Events



If selected for an admin role, you may be asked to work in one or more of the following areas:




If selected to scorekeep, you will be asked to assist with player entry for all events and be responsible for the timeliness of uploading events. In addition, working with the TO to understand how to use online pairings, online clock, and online decklist submission will be expected.



If selected for this event, you are responsible for monitoring the event forums for important news prior to and during the event!
Please wear an undershirt, black pants, black comfortable shoes, & black socks. Pastimes will be providing a staff button down for the day.

We will need help on preparing our area to receive MCQ attendees. All staff will assist with setup the morning of the event, please include any physical restrictions you may have in your application.

All staff members will be assisting with teardown. Due to lifting and loading, staff members will be given time to change from their judge or staff uniform to something more comfortable once attendees have left.

All staff members will receive a water bottle and playmat in addition to:

Floor Judge $150 check
Head Judge $250 check

Scorekeeper $200 check

If you are selected for standby you are not confirmed to work, but agree to be available as necessary. Standby staff will be added to the event and forum communications. We may add standbys to staff before the event begins or even on site. If you are not activated, we encourage you to come out and enjoy the event. Staff selected for standby will receive $30 off entry.

Please apply only for status types you will accept. If you only select Basic, we will not consider you for standby.

All staff for this event are independent contractors and will be required to fill out a W9 or W8BEN if they have not worked for us in 2019 or if information has changed.

All applicants prior to being selected for this event will be checked against the National Sex Offender Registry. If you have any questions about this please contact Alan Hochman at

If you have any questions about this application please do not hesitate to reach out and contact the Show Manager, John Temple, at


Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Meg Baum
Level 3 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Head Judge
John Temple
Level 3 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Staff
Zachary DeLadurantaye
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Sherwin Ng
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Spencer Cole
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Alan Hochman
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Tournament Organizer