SCG Con Winter 2019
Organizer: | Jared Sylva |
Judge manager: | Riki Hayashi |
Event type: | Star City Games Tour |
REL: | Competitive |
Format: | Mixed Formats |
Event date(s): | Nov. 15, 2019-Nov. 17, 2019 |
Location: | Roanoke, Virginia, United States |
Venue: | BERGLUND CENTER 710 Williamson Rd NE Special Events Center Roanoke, VA 24016 |
Applications accepted through: | Sept. 30, 2019 |
Event Information
Thank you for your interest in joining us at SCG Con Winter 2019. Below, you will find all the information you'll need to be a judge at our event. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at We look forward to working with you!
Invitational Head Judge: Shawn Doherty - L3
Invitational Support Judge: Rob McKenzie - L3
PTQ Head Judges: TBD
Cube Qualifier Head Judges: TBD
Rules Enforcement Level: Competitive
If you are a Level 3 or 2 Judge interested in a Head Judge or other leadership position at SCG Con, you can apply for a Keystone position via an optional set of questions in the application GoogleForm. Available positions include PTQ HJ (Modern and Standard), Cube Qualifier HJ (Cube Draft and Modern), Sides Lead (all weekend, AM and PM), ODE Lead (all weekend), and Floor Judge. Keystone positions will award increased compensation and hotel sponsorship based on need and availability. Minimum compensation is $200 for L2s and $250 for L3s per day with specific roles being more. Applications for Keystone will close on Monday, September 23rd, 2019 and we will publish results later that week.
Judges at Open Weekend events are expected to prepare for each event by reviewing the Comprehensive Rules, Magic Tournament Rules, Infraction Procedure Guide, and Judging at Regular REL documents. These documents can be found at the Magic Judges Document Center. As representatives of and the Magic Judge Program, judges are expected to behave in a professional manner at all times. This includes arriving on time, and in appropriate attire.
Judges are expected to arrive no later than 10:30 am on Friday, 9:00 am on Saturday, and 8:30 am on Sunday and are expected to stay until the conclusion of the Swiss rounds. If you anticipate being unable to arrive on time or needing to leave before 7:00 pm please include that information in your application.
Judges at the Open Weekend will be provided a judge shirt, which is expected to be returned at the conclusion of the event. The Judge should arrive with black pants, black belt, and black, comfortable shoes. During breaks, or any other time that a judge is off duty, judges should remove, or cover, their Judge shirt.
All judges will be required to sign an agreement for their work at a Open Weekend. Compensation will be in the form of a check, which will be provided at the end of your final shift of the weekend or mailed out after the event. International judges will receive their compensation in the form of a PayPal payment after the event. Judges will be required to fill out a valid W-9 (domestic) or W-8 BEN (international) US tax form in order to receive their compensation.
Level 1 Judges will receive $125/day staffed for a Full Shift and $65/day staffed for a Partial Shift.
Level 2 Judges will receive $175/day staffed for a Full Shift and $90/day staffed for a Partial Shift.
Level 3 Judges will receive $225/day staffed for a Full Shift and $115/day staffed for a Partial Shift.
Judges also receive an SCG Tour playmat of their choice from among the event playmats.
In addition to submitting an application ("Apply Now!" at the top of the page), we ask that all applicants complete a GoogleForm with additional questions. Applications without either of a completed GoogleForm response or a Judgeapps application will not be considered.
As per the Wizards Play Network (WPN) policy posted in the Magic Rules and Documents, is required to perform annual background checks on all public facing staff, including judges, contracted to work at our events. After event applications close, but before staff selection, all judges who have not already done so within the previous year, will be asked to provide both the necessary information, and consent, required for's third-party organization to conduct a background check. Please note that these forms must be completed and returned by their respective deadline(s) if you wish to be considered for a contracted judge position at a event.
If your judge level is not currently correct on JudgeApps when you apply please mention this in your application and ask the person who tested you to update this before the application window closes.
The application window for this event will close at 11:59 PM Eastern time on Monday, September 30, 2019. Judges wishing to apply for this event after the application window has closed will need to contact us at
Please note that late applications will be considered at a lower priority than those received during the official application window.
Due to staff needs, judges may be accepted for one, two, or three days. There are questions in the GoogleForm to indicate your preference, and requirements to attend, in your application.
Staff will be announced on, or before, Monday, October 7, 2019.
Information on room blocks and local hotels is located in the Event Fact Sheet here.
On the following Monday we are also hosting Judge Conference - SCG Con Winter 2019 in the Star City Games Game Center
Staff Members
Name |
Level |
Role |
Abraham Corson
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Shawn Doherty
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Head Judge |
Brook Gardner-Durbin
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Matthew Karr
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Rob McKenzie
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Appeals Judge |
Joseph Steet
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Steven Zwanger
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Tobias Vyseri
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Ward Warren
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) | Staff |
Ryan Wood
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Garrison Fogt
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Jared Sylva
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) | Staff |
Sierra Black
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Andrew Blizzard
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Sylvan Desjardins
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Adam Eidelsafy
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Matthew Fox
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Ryan Freeburger
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
William Hodge
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Daniel Jackson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Sean Linkous
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Staff |
Jack Pullman
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Gary Roland
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
CoriAnn Theroux
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Isaac King
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
John Vorderbrueggen
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) | Staff |
Uncertified | Staff |
Johnpaul Adams
Uncertified | Staff |
John Alexander
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Michael Arrowsmith
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Meg Baum
Uncertified | Judge Manager |
Jeffrey Emery
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Walter Emmitt
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Star City Games
Uncertified | Tournament Organizer |
Josh Garcia-Cotter
Uncertified | Staff |
Cody Hamlet
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Riki Hayashi
Uncertified | Judge Manager |
Kyle Hilliar
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Andrew Keeler
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jonah Kellman
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Sam Lewis
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Scott Markwart
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jacob Milicic
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Tyler Monette
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
PJ Wynn Moonsetter
Uncertified | Staff |
Steve Peterman
Uncertified | Staff |
Elliot Raff
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Kali Rainwater
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ruth Reimer
Uncertified | Staff |
Meg Rickman
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Bel Robelen
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
David Rockwood
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Vona Rustay
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Christopher Selby
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Skarlet Shuplat
Uncertified | Staff |
Karl Simmons
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Derrik Smith
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Logan Vanover
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ash White
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Michal Zaglewski
Uncertified | Floor Judge |