Prerelease - ELD

Organizer: Chicagoland Games: Dice Dojo
Judge manager: Nick Gajary
Event type: Prerelease
REL: Regular
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): Sept. 27, 2019-Sept. 29, 2019
Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Venue: Chicagoland Games: Dice Dojo
5550 N Broadway
Chicago, IL 60640
Applications accepted through: Sept. 18, 2019

Event Information

Hail and well met! The Dice Dojo Throne of Eldraine Prerelease Weekend is on the horizon, and we need the help of noble defenders of the realm like yourselves! Apply to join our circle!

All events are limited to four rounds. Dates and shifts are as follows:

6pm Sealed (head), 5:00pm-End . . . Syr Sherwood Ng, Baker of Cookies
6pm Sealed (floor), 5:30pm-End . . . Syr Leoryo Castanaeda, the Goal Oriented

8pm Sealed (head), 7:00pm-End . . . Syr Seann Foerr, Beloved of Crones
8pm Sealed (floor), 7:30pm-End . . . Syr Nyck Gajaarae, Champion of Nonsense

11am 2HG Sealed (head), 10:00am-End . . Syr Maryna Baeke, Deviser of Castles
11am 2HG Sealed (floor), 10:30am-End . . . Dr Syr Danyel Kellae, Keeper of the Pants

12pm Sealed (head), 11:00am-End . . . Syr Ryccard Court, the Ruinous
12pm Sealed (floor), 11:30am-End . . . Maxxwell Young-Ionnes, Esquire

6pm Sealed (head), 5:00pm-End . . . Syr Maryna Baeke, Deviser of Castles
6pm Sealed (floor), 5:30pm-End . . . Syr Ryccard Court, the Ruinous

12pm Sealed (head), 11:00am-End . . . Syr Danyel Duann, Swift's Devoted
12pm Sealed (floor), 11:30am-End . . . Syr Sammuel Myller, Slayer of Spiders

6pm Sealed (head), 5:00pm-End . . . Syr Vyctorya Sanderrs, Withholder of Prizes
6pm Sealed (floor), 5:30pm-End . . . Syr Danyel Duann, Swift's Devoted

Regional judge polos will be available for loan in sizes up to 2XL; please wear black pants and shoes. Compensation will be paid in cash upon the completion of your event(s) according to the breakdown attached to this page (JudgeApps does not allow applicants to view files until accepted, just ask if you'd like to see the rate beforehand). Please direct any questions or concerns to Nick Gajary:


Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Nick Gajary
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Tournament Organizer
Sherwin Ng
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Head Judge
Marina Beke
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Head Judge
Rick Courtney
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Head Judge
Leorio Diaz
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Daniel Duan
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Head Judge
Sean Foer
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Head Judge
Daniel Kelly
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Sam Miller
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Victoria Sanders
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Head Judge
Maxton Young-Jones
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge