Throne Prerelease

Organizer: ChannelFireball
Judge manager: Eric Kubo
Event type: Prerelease
REL: Regular
Format: Sealed Deck
Event date(s): Sept. 27, 2019-Sept. 29, 2019
Location: Santa Clara, California, United States
Venue: ChannelFireball Game Center
1171 Homestead Rd.
Suite 171
Santa Clara CA 95050
Applications accepted through: Sept. 20, 2019

Event Information

This is an application for the Throne of Eldraine Prerelease at ChannelFireball Game Center on Sept 27th, 28th and 29th.


There are eight events for the Throne of Eldraine Prerelease. You DO NOT need to be able to work the whole weekend to apply. There will be five shifts. Saturday will require a higher number of judges, so working shifts on those days will be prioritized.

Please let me know what shifts you are able to work in your application and if there's a minimum number you need to work. Also note that if you plan on working the midnight shift, we will not be placing you on the Saturday shift. If this occurs, it is in error and you should alert me immediately. There will be openings for Head Judge opportunities, please list relevant experience if applying for this. Scorekeeping will not be available unless you've contacted Josh. 

List of Shifts

Friday Afternoon- 3:30PM-8PM 

Friday Evening- 7:30PM-End of event (likely 11:30)

Sat Morning- 9:30AM-5PM

Sat Afternoon-4:30PM-End of event (likely 11:30)

Sun- 10AM-7PM 

Extended Shifts are available upon request


Judges working the Friday shifts will receive one (1) compensation unit which may be redeemed for $60 (Mailed as a check* pending the completion of a W9) or $80 Store Credit. 

Judges working any Saturday or Sunday shift will receive two (2) compensation unit per event worked which may be redeemed for $60 each (Mailed as a check* pending the completion of a W9) or $160 Store Credit. 

Lunch and water/soda throughout the day will be provided at no cost. 

*Checks will take approx. 7-10 business days from first Monday following the event. If you fail to receive your check, please contact  


All judges are expected to arrive no later than 30 minutes before their event begins. Judges are expected to stay through the completion of the rounds until the last match slip has been turned in.  If you need to arrive late or leave early, please note that in your application. Additionally remember that while you are in the employ of Channelfireball you are representing us. It’s a prerelease so it is naturally a more laid-back event, nonetheless we expect a reasonable amount of professionalism from all involved. In the end you are getting paid to do a job.

Attire for the event is black pants and a judge shirt (or other nice black shirt) tucked in and a black belt. If you do not have a judge shirt, please note that in your cover letter, as well as your size. We may have one that you can borrow for the event. If you have appropriate Channelfireball gear that will also suffice.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Charles Ferguson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Mark Johnson
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Eric Kubo
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Judge Manager
Jonathan Ma
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Joshua Silvestri
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Tournament Organizer
Victoria Dorn
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
John Lee
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Jonathan Ma
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge