Victory Comics Modern IQ (October)

Organizer: Victory Comics
Judge manager: John Brian McCarthy
Event type: Star City Games IQ
REL: Competitive
Format: Modern
Event date(s): Oct. 27, 2019
Location: Falls Church, Virginia, United States
Venue: Victory Comics
586 S. Washington St.
Falls Church, VA 22046
Applications accepted through: Oct. 16, 2019

Event Information

This event is open to Historic and Judge Academy Judges

Thank you for your interest in events at Victory Comics, the largest gaming space inside the beltway! We are looking for a number of judges to make our events a success, so please, read on to determine how we can work together.

Staff for this event will consist of:

One Head Judge
Two Floor Judges
One Standby 


The event will be Modern format, and run swiss rounds as recommended by the MTR, with a cut to Top 8.


Judges on staff will receive $150 in store credit per day worked, plus lunch and drinks while on duty. 



Judges are expected to be on-site, in judge uniform, at 10:30 am on each day they will be working. Seatings for the player meeting will be posted at 11:03 am, so if you are running late, please call the store so we can be prepared. Head judges are expected to stay until the event is concluded, floor judges should plan to stay until the Top 4 begins.

Judges are expected to be familiar with the IPG, MTR and Comp Rules.

Expected uniform is either:

Uniform will be determined by the Head Judge, with the expectation that all judges will wear the same uniform - if all judges do not have a Mid-Atlantic polo, the Grand Prix shirt option will be used.


We have one standby slot available for this event. Standby judges will be activated if the player count exceeds player thresholds, and will be released at the end of swiss rounds. Standby judges should be on-site by 10:45 am prepared to work the event; if you are not needed as a judge, you will be given free entry to play in the event instead. 

Application Guidelines

Staffing for this event will be a mix of level one and level two judges. This event is a good opportunity for Level 1 judges to get experience working Competitive REL events with another judge.

Staff for all events will be announced within one week of the application deadline.

If you have questions about the event, please contact John Brian McCarthy at or 262.204.7669.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
John Brian McCarthy
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Staff
Sam Wiles
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Head Judge
Thomas Bliefernich
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge