Guardian Games Season 2 WPN Qualifier

Organizer: Guardian Games
Judge manager: Dane Frank
Event type: Mythic Championship Qualifier
REL: Competitive
Format: Pioneer
Event date(s): March 29, 2020
Location: Portland, OR, Oregon, United States
Venue: Guardian Games
345 SE Taylor
Portland, OR. 97132
Applications accepted through: March 18, 2020

Event Information

Guardian Games will be hosting its next WPN Qualifier on Sunday, March 29th.  


We are looking for up to four floor judges.  Ideally, at least three of the floor judges will be level 2, with the remaining spot going to an experienced level 1.  We would also like to provide a space for a halfday judge at half compensation ($75).  If this is something that interests you, please mention it in your application.


Compensation: $150 + lunch


Logistics: Hosted at Guardian Games (address above)

                Event begins at 10 AM, judges should be on site by 9:30.

                Event is capped at 128 players and is expected to go seven rounds, with a cut to top eight.  Judges will begin to be released at the start of top eight.


Attire: Black on blacks (shirt, slacks, shoes, belt).  If you have a judge shirt, regional or traditional, please wear that.  With enough notice, we might be able to accommodate someone with a judge shirt.


Please don't hesitate to use the above email for any questions you might have.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Dane Frank
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Staff
Scott Neiwert
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Head Judge