UK Judge voter registration

Organizer: UK Judge organizing committee
Judge manager: Matthew Johnson
Event type: Other
Format: No Format
Event date(s): Jan. 20, 2024-Jan. 21, 2024
Location: UK, United Kingdom
Venue: Online
Applications accepted through: Jan. 20, 2024

Event Information

This event serves as registering to vote in the initial votes on whether and how to establish a UK judge certification and training body.

Judges registered to vote will also be elgible to form the initial membership of whatever resulting body is created.

There are two events, one here, and one on Judge Academy. Please only apply to join one of them.

Any judge in the UK who has ever been certified can apply to register to vote.

In order to register to vote you must meet one of the following:

If you don't meet any of these criteria, but have been a certified judge, then please apply to this event and include in your cover letter the details of when you were certified and how we can verify this.

Since we are collecting personal information for potential members, please find the provisional privacy policy of the organization here:

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Jack Doyle
Level 3 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Raymond Fong
Level 3 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Matthew Johnson
Level 3 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
David Lyford-Tilley
Level 3 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Thomas Ralph
Level 3 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Christopher Ambery
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Alfred Bellinger
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Oli Bird
Level 2 (International Judge Program) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Thomas Coleman
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) Australia and New Zealand Attendee
Paul Crosby
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Daniel De Swarte
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Luke Dowling
Level 2 (International Judge Program) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Christian Genz
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Nick Hall
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Andrew Hind
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Alyx Kidd
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Phil Lancaster
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Cayce Lauder
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Ruth Macgregor
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Elizabeth Mackie
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Craig Mackie
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Findlay Matheson
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Erin Murphy
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Mino Pettit
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Norman Ralph
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Harry Smith
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Aaron Strawbridge
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Gareth Tanner
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Mark White
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
James Winward-Stuart
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
George Andrews
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
William Boyson
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Alistair Crook
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Jasmine Czerwik
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Jason Howlett
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Neil Macgregor
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Toni Ella-Marie Mccorkindale
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Nick Murphy
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Daniel Parkinson
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Cat Ramsay
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Tom Stevens
Level 1 (International Judge Program) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Adam Thomas
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Santiago Tirmezi Acuna
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Owen Todd
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
David Trotter
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Andrew Warne
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Glen White
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Ailsa Whyte
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Chak Leung Wong
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Chris Aston
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Rhys Bainbridge
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Graham Bunting
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Carl Butcher
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Simon Cooper
Uncertified USA - Northeast Attendee
jonathan dey
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Steve Ford
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
John Hancocks
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Sean Johnson
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Stelios Kargotis
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Jon Lipscombe
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Imogen Lyford-Tilley
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Edd Miles
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Leon Quigley
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Phil Scutter-Cairns
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Nick Sephton
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Natael Simicich
Uncertified Latin America Attendee
Jake Swales
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Amy Tanner
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee
Mark Winckle
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Attendee