Judge Foundry Annual Member Meeting 2024

Organizer: Rob McKenzie
Judge manager: Rob McKenzie
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): Sept. 14, 2024-Sept. 15, 2024
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Venue: Saturday:
Crystal Community Center
4800 Douglas Dr N
Crystal, MN 55429

Sunday Gathering:
Basset Creek Park Picnic Area
5609 32nd Ave N, Crystal, MN 55422
Applications accepted through: Sept. 12, 2024

Event Information


On behalf of Judge Foundry, we would like to welcome you all to the the Judge Foundry Annual Member Meeting for 2024.

This will be held in Crystal, Minnesota at the Crystal Community Center.

The conference to be in-person for as many people as want to attend, with full online presentation of the meeting and all conference presentations.  There will also be a route for online-only attendees to participate in all the member meetings.  Saturday will have all our member business and election of the board, and a small number of presentations.  Saturday is going to be a gathering day for in-person attendees where we get together, have a cookout, and get the chance to just chat and be a community together.

Sunday we will be gathering at Basset Creek Park's picnic area, starting at 10am and running until approximately 4pm.  Bring your own drinks, food will be provided.  No alcohol is allowed in the park.  

Official meeting notice

The annual meeting of Judge Foundry will be held on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. Central Daylight Time, at the Crystal Community Center, 4800 Douglas Drive North, Crystal, Minnesota, and also by videoconference.

IMPORTANT! If you are a voting member of Judge Foundry and you want to vote during the annual meeting, you must apply to the event in JudgeApps no later than Thursday, September 12. More information on how to fill out the application is later in this notice and also on the application.

Remote connection instructions

Join via Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82535581394

Notice of bylaw amendments

The bylaws committee gives notice of four amendments to the bylaws to be considered at the meeting.

Notice of election rules

The election committee gives notice of the election rules to be considered at the meeting.

Documents for the meeting

In addition to the bylaw amendments and election rules above, these documents will be important during the meeting:

Election of the Board of Directors

Details on the board of directors and elections can be found on the Judge Foundry Elections Page.  This includes statemetns from each of the board of directors candidates.

Proposed Saturday Schedule
(all times Central Daylight Time, GMT-5) 

Please apply either if you are planning to attend in person or online.  In-person folks should select "Basic Sponsorship" and online should select "Standby."  Nobody will be declined, we are looking for RSVPs for planning purposes.  We also have a question about dietary restrictions - lunch will be provided, and we want to make sure we have a lunch that will work for everyone.

We are also interested in finding a couple of presenters - either answer the question about presentations or email us at board@judgefoundry.org to discuss presenting at this event.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Paul Baranay
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee
Stephan Classen
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee (online)
Dan Collins
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Shawn Doherty
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee (online)
Brook Gardner-Durbin
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Jon Goud
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee (online)
Matthew Karr
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Attendee (online)
Joe Klopchic
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee
Daniel Lee
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
John Brian McCarthy
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Tournament Organizer
Rob McKenzie
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Staff
Bryan Prillaman
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee (online)
Eliana Rabinowitz
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee (online)
Joseph Steet
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Steven Zwanger
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee (online)
Amanda Coots
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Tournament Organizer
Michael Hill
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee (online)
Kyle Ryc
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee (online)
Tobias Vyseri
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Western Provinces Attendee (online)
Ryan Wood
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee (online)
Dominic Barrieau
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee (online)
Adam Blaylock
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee (online)
Maria Alex Chernov
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Andrew Goulart
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee (online)
Robert Hinrichsen
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee (online)
Steven Krysiak
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee (online)
James Do Hung Lee
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee
Aaron MacLean
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Western Provinces Attendee (online)
Matt Marheine
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee (online)
Dan Milavitz
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee
Matt Muckle
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee
Marcos Sanchez
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee (online)
Jacen Simon
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Sam Tsafalas
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Western Provinces Attendee (online)
Dave Unni
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Minh Vu
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee (online)
Rob Blanckaert
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Beaux Bruggman
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Erick Carlsted
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Staff
Benjamin Christ
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee (online)
Patrick Cool
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee (online)
Andrew Cropper
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee (online)
Gus Dahlin
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee (online)
Matthew Dale
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Attendee (online)
Peter Davies
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Western Provinces Attendee (online)
Brian Dombroski
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Kevin Downs
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee (online)
Steven Edelson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee (online)
Jovy Eramela
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Western Provinces Attendee (online)
Charles Featherer
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Charles Ferguson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Matthew Fox
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Staff
Taylor Galmiche
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Attendee (online)
William Dair Grant
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee (online)
Robert Graves
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee (online)
Jim Guggemos
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee (online)
Zach Halpern
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Tim Hardick
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee (online)
Madison Henry
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Attendee (online)
Brett Horrocks
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee (online)
Justin Hovdenes
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee (online)
Chris Hrichishen
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Western Provinces Attendee (online)
Daniel Jackson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Charles Johnson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee (online)
Kris Kleinsteuber
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Perry Kraker
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee (online)
Chia Lee
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Nathan Long
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee (online)
Martha Lufkin
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee (online)
Joshua Marin
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee
Mark Mason
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee (online)
Robert McClenahan
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee (online)
Raoul Mowatt
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee (online)
Richard Neal
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee (online)
Alex Nelson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee
Mitchell Nitz
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee (online)
John O'Donnell
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Arnaud Perrouin
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee (online)
Andy Peterson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee
Georges Rehak
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee (online)
Carlos Rocha
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Attendee (online)
Josue Rodriguez
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee (online)
Gary Roland
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Attendee (online)
Matt Schafer
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee
Sean Schumacher
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee (online)
Nick Sirman
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee
Darrin Sisneros
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee (online)
Jeremy Sivaneswaran
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee (online)
James Skoog
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee
Jeremy Smith
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Jacob Smith
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee (online)
Josh Stansfield
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Brendan Whatley
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee (online)
Stephen Wise
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Attendee
Jeremy Woods
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee (online)
Michael Young
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Joseph Achille
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Philippe Arcand
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee (online)
Robert Benevides
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Nicholas Blackshear
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Attendee
Mark Brakhane
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee (online)
Kaleb Brim
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee (online)
Garrick Brooks
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Samuel Bullard
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Attendee (online)
josh crabtree
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee (online)
Daniel Crabtree
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee (online)
Brent Dalke
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee (online)
Daniel Deckman
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Jared DeMartini
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee (online)
michael dio
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
EJ Drew
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Jonathan Edwards
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee
Chris Elblein
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee (online)
Carl Endres
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee (online)
Gregory Fenn
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee (online)
William Geiermann
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee (online)
J. Morgan Hansen
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Western Provinces Attendee (online)
Timothy Janeway
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Attendee (online)
Quinn Knobbe
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee (online)
Justin Koehler
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee (online)
Tim Langermann
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Michael Lynguyen
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee (online)
William Mason
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee
Cherese Moss
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
David Olson
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Attendee (online)
Graham Parkins
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee (online)
Matthew Pieroni
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Timothy Powell
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Chris Powers
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Kat Riazy
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Juan-Manuel Rocha
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Miriam Sachs
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee (online)
Corey Schmitz
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee
Nickalos Shackleford
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee (online)
Simon Sharber
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Attendee (online)
Alex Stueve
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Dawson Thompson
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Western Provinces Attendee (online)
Tad Treft
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Attendee (online)
Peter Trifilo
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Steven Verheyn
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Michael Warme
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Attendee (online)
Jason Ye
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee (online)
Craig Carpenter
Uncertified USA - South Central Attendee (online)
Jd Derring
Uncertified USA - Plains Attendee