Lowlander Preliminary Webcam Tournament

Organizer: Stijn Marsman (Flounder)
Judge manager: Stijn Marsman
Event type: Other
Format: No Format
Event date(s): Nov. 30, 2024
Location: Amsterdam/Online, The Netherlands
Venue: Lowlander Discord, see our website.
Applications accepted through: Nov. 23, 2024

Event Information

Hey there!

We're hosting a webcam tournament on the 30th of November, as part of the Lowlander format launch. We would love to have a head judge on board!

Our format can be found here: https://lowlandermtg.com/and plays by Magic's ruleset, plus Mana Burn; any personal affinity for the format is appreciated, but obviously not mandatory.

You are only expected to essentially be on standby during player matches, and all of this is fully online.

We offer €12.50 / $15 per available hour of online presence, and our expected player count is around 15 as of now. In addition, if you are interested in being our resident community judge, you would be a welcome addition and we'll run all our events with you in the future.

We're excited to hear from you!

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Jason Eves
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Stijn Marsman
Uncertified BeNeLux Tournament Organizer