Tarkir Dragonstorm Prerelease - Zenergy Summerville

Organizer: Zenergy Gamers Summerville
Judge manager: Tammy Sprecher
Event type: Prerelease
REL: Regular
Format: Sealed Deck
Event date(s): April 5, 2025
Location: Summerville, South Carolina, United States
Venue: 908 Bacons Bridge Rd e9
Summerville, SC 29485
Applications accepted through: None

Event Information

Here are our Events:
12:00pm - 1 judge

Prize support: Pack per Win
Register in-store for this event! Limited Seating
Deck construction and 3 rounds


Standby judges may need to be activated based on player attendance.

Compensation - $50/event 

If attendance is conducive to the judge playing free entry with the remaining value paid in cash.  However, if taking judge calls is negatively impacting the player experience for your opponent then you will need to concede the match to take calls.

Staff Members

Note: As you are not on staff for this event, some users may be hidden from the staff list, in accordance with their privacy settings. You can always see the full staff list if you are either part of the staff yourself, or otherwise, after the event is over.

Name Level Region Role
Tammy Sprecher
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Staff
Jack Stalcup
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Head Judge