Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier Albuquerque @ Magic Stronghold Games

Organizer: Josune Punzalan
Judge manager: Josune Punzalan
Event type: Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier
REL: Competitive
Format: Standard
Event date(s): May 27, 2017
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Venue: Magic Stronghold Games
185 - 3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC Canada
V5R 5W2
Applications accepted through: May 20, 2017

Event Information

Magic Stronghold is looking for judges our next PPTQ for PT Albuquerque on Saturday, May 27th!


We're looking for 2-3 judges for the following shifts:

Head Judge: 8:30AM - Finish (around 6:00PM)

Support Judge(s): 9:00AM - 4:00PM


What else you need to know:



$15.00 cash/hour for the Head Judge with conditions.

The conditions are as follows:

- The payment must be made with cheque.

- The Judge must give me a written/printed receipt with the judge's name, address, phone number, list of duties and signature.

- Cash compensation cannot exceed $500 within a year (January 1st - December 31st) Anything more and the judge will need to be put on payroll.


$12.50/hour for Support Judges in Store Credit


Dress code:

Be comfortable. Preferably a judge shirt and black pants and sneakers or something you would wear to an interview.



-Preparing and distributing product

-Answering judge calls

-Watching matches

-Cleaning table numbers

-Handing out prizes

-Anything else your head judge needs within reason

-Ready and willing to help other judges


If you have any other questions or concerns, Contact either myself or Jordan Woo or more.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Peter Davies
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada Floor Judge
Josune Punzalan
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) Canada Staff
Todd Bussey
Uncertified Canada Head Judge