Judge Conference- GP São Paulo 2017

Organizer: Carlos Rangon & Vinicius Quaiato
Judge manager: Carlos Rangon
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): Aug. 14, 2017
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Venue: Espaço Aya
Rua do Horto, 327
Horto Florestal
São Paulo - SP
Applications accepted through: July 12, 2017

Event Information


(English version at the bottom)

É com grande prazer que convidamos você para participar da Conferência Juízes que ocorrerá em São Paulo no dia 14 de Agosto de 2017, logo após o GP São Paulo.





Conferências são ocasiões para conhecer novas pessoas, rever amigos, ensinar, aprender, compartilhar dicas e espalhar o conhecimento em nossa comunidade. Elas são uma das melhores oportunidades para se conhecer boas práticas e informações atualizadas no Programa de Juízes.



Esta é a oportunidade que temos para dar rostos para os nomes nos emails, facebook e whatsapp. Fortalecermos os laços já existentes e criarmos novos.


Conferências apresentam excelentes oportunidades para entrar em contato com juízes e juízas para troca experiência, aprendizado e ficar por dentro de tudo que está acontecendo no Programa nacional e mundial.


É o momento de conversar com pessoas que tem viajado para torneios fora do país, ou com aqueles juízes e juízas que tem participado de projetos interessantes dentro do Brasil.


Apresentações, seminários e workshops para que você não apenas aprenda técnicas, regras e procedimentos, mas para que se divirta e faça parte deste Programa global.


Os temas mais interessantes, as novas técnicas, práticas de torneios de alto nível e procedimentos que ainda não conhecemos, ou mesmo reforçar (e repassar) aquilo que já sabemos. Esta é a oportunidade para tirar uma série de dúvidas com uma série de pessoas muito qualificadas.


Conferências são a melhor oportunidade para consolidarmos o que realmente é o Programa de Juízes e Juízas: uma comunidade de experts em diversas áreas, trabalhando em prol do crescimento do jogo e de seus pares.


Este será possivelmente o maior evento do Programa de Juízes na America Latina, não fique de fora!





Data: 14 de agosto de 2017

Cidade: São Paulo

Início: 9:00

Local: Espaço Aya

Rua do Horto, 327

Horto Florestal

São Paulo - SP













Juízes e juízas certificados/as que queiram participar desta Conferência precisam se inscrever até a data limite 12/07/2017. Inscrições após esta data serão permitidas, porém não haverá recebimento de foils.


É permitida a participação de candidatos(as) não certificados, porém não haverá recebimento de foils.




Apresentações, seminários, workshops e dinâmicas


Se você deseja realizar alguma atividade nesta conferência, seja apresentando uma palestra ou um seminário, realizando um workshop ou mesmo conduzindo e facilitando uma dinâmica, você terá essa oportunidade. Em breve disponibilizaremos os meios de se inscrever para ser palestrante.


Se você possui alguma dúvida, entre em contato antes (Carlos Rangon carlos.rangon@gmail.com), traga sua idéia, ou então aguarde as divulgações que serão feitas nos próximos dias (Email e Blog), ajudando a explicar cada tipo de atividade e como prepará-las e desenvolvê-las.






Neste evento teremos disponibilidade de aplicações de prova para os Níveis 1 e 2. Se você tem interesse em realizar alguma prova, além de possuir todos os requerimentos exigidos para o Nível (confira aqui), você deve enviar um e-mail para carlos.rangon@gmail.com. Não serão aplicadas provas para candidatos/as que não possuam todos os requisitos, nem serão aplicadas provas para quem esteja dentro do período de cooldown.






Para esta Conferência teremos o suporte de foils. Este suporte é uma forma de reconhecer e agradecer o interesse dos juízes e juízas presentes em disseminar e compartilhar conhecimento, possibilitando assim o crescimento e desenvolvimento do Programa através do próprio Programa.





Dúvidas, comentários, sugestões


Para quaisquer dúvidas, comentários ou sugestões, entrem em contato comigo: Carlos Rangon (carlos.rangon@gmail.com). Para discussões específicas sobre a Conferência, também é possível a utilização do fórum da Conferência aqui no Judge Apps.




It is with great pleasure that we invite you to join the Judge Conference in São Paulo, August 14, after the Grand Prix São Paulo.




Conferences are opportunities to meet new people, teach, learn, share and spread the knowledge to our community. They are one of the best opportunities to get in touch with updated practices, procedures and informations in the Judge Program. A time to strengthen already existing bonds and make new ones.



 A time to talk with people that travelled the world, or to whom are working on interesting projects.


 Presentations, seminars and workshops not only for you to learn techniques, rules and procedures, but also to have fun and be part of this global Program.


 The most interesting subjects, the new techniques, premier tournament procedures, or even to reinforce something we already know. A Conference is the opportunity to have our doubts and questions answered with some of the most qualified people.


Conferences are the best opportunity to consolidate what the Judge Program is: a community of experts in several subjects, working in prol of the growth both of the game and our peers.


This will probably be the biggest event of the Judge Program in the Latin America, don't be out of it!




Date: August, 14, 2017

City: São Paulo

Start time: 9:00am

Venue: Espaço Aya

Rua do Horto, 327

Horto Florestal

São Paulo - SP












Certified judges that want to participate in this Conference have to apply until the limit date of July, 12. After that applications will still be accepted, but will not award judge foils.


Non-certified judges can participate, but will not receive judge foils.




Presentations, seminars, workshops and dynamic activities


If you want to make an activity in this Conference, be it a presentations, seminar, a workshop or facilitating a some kind of dynamics, you have the opportunity to do so. Soon we'll explain how you can submit to it.


If you have any question, doubt, or want to say something, feel free to get in touch (Carlos Rangon carlos.rangon@gmail.com or Vinicius Quaiato vinicius.quaiato@gmail.com).



Judge Exams


In this Conference there will be the opportunity to make a judge exam, both to Level 1 and Level 2. If you have the interest taking the exam, please be sure you have the requirements (check it here) and send an email to the organizers (Carlos Rangon carlos.rangon@gmail.com or Vinicius Quaiato vinicius.quaiato@gmail.com).





This Conference will have the foils support, as a way to recognize and thank the interest in spreading and sharing knowledge, making it possible for the Judge Program to keep growing.





Questions, comments, suggestions, etc


If you have any question, doubt, or want to say something, feel free to get in touch (Carlos Rangon carlos.rangon@gmail.com or Vinicius Quaiato vinicius.quaiato@gmail.com).

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Bruna Chiochetta
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Matteo Callegari
Level 3 (Judge Academy) Italy and Malta Attendee
Rafael Dei Svaldi
Level 3 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Federico Donner
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Hispanic America - South Attendee
Adrian Estoup
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Hispanic America - South Attendee
Sophie Pages
Level 3 (International Judge Program) France Attendee
Carlos Rangon
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Brazil Staff
Beatriz Accioly
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Filipe Anastassopoulos
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Arthur Araujo
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Felipe Barreto
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Gabriel Batista Vieira de Sousa
Level 2 (Judge Academy) France Attendee
Eduardo Beraldo
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Raian Chaves
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Leonardo da Luz
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Bruno de Oliveira
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
David Guteša
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Europe - East Attendee
Caue Hattori
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Lucas Horta
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Érick Jones
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Kim Kanegusuke
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Danilo Kanno
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Ricardo Leite
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Naiyan Lima
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Daniel Magalhães
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Nicolau Maldonado
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Gustavo Marin
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Aline Martins
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Leonardo Martins
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Pedro Mathies Vilela
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Philippe Monlevade
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Joao Motta
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Hispanic America - South Attendee
Joaquín Ossandón
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Hispanic America - South Attendee
Rafael Aurélio Raimundo
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Jéssica Rodrigues
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Daniel Saléh
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Victor Hugo Souza
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Andre Tepedino
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Alejandro Vazquez
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Hispanic America - South Attendee
Bruno Volpato
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Antonio Zanutto
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Diego Zarate
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
danilo almeida
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Thiago Assis
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Vinicius Camargo Barbieri
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
André Barbosa
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Pedro Ivo Bastos
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Victor Burghi
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Hugo Carvalho
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Daniel Cavalleiro
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Elias Da Silva Pantoja
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Felipe Roberto dos Santos
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Ana Carolina dos Santos Teixeira
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Gabriel Fehr
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Emiliano Fischer
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Kevin Freitas
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Guilherme Gusman
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Thiago Jachelli
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Roger Landim
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Nelson Lemos
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Murilo lixandrao
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Anderson Marinho
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Kaue Martins
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Matheus Martins Vieira
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Rodrigo Mascarenhas
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Bruno Masera
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Paulo Jose Meira da Silva
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Max Minato
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Ramoñ Nogueira
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Saverio Palmieri Neto
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Caio Parsia Boscariol
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Vinícius Peixoto Dias
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Matheus Pettersen Forattini
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Eduardo Gurgel Pinheiro
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Marcos Rogério
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Arthur Sargo Kavéski
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Attendee
Luís Anderson Snake
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Igor Sousa
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Nicholas Treuko
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Jean Vainer Buracosky dos Santos
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Vinicius Guilherme Vaz Leitão
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Brazil Attendee
Jean Cláudio Aguiar
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
diego almeida
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Guilherme Araujo
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Rodney Bedell
Uncertified USA - Northeast Attendee
Antonio José Bitarian
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Thales Bittencourt
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Raphael Bonfim
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Rafael Borges dos Santos
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Marcus Brasil
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Gabriel Cappato de Oliveira
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Eder Carvalho
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
TJ Clark
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Lucas Costa
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Bruno Gomes da Fonseca
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Gregory De Bonis
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Alan Demetrio
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Rudá dos Reis
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Israel Escorizza
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Pedro Esperança
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Robson Falcão de Oliveira
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Gregory Farias
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Fernando Fonseca
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Eduardo França Prada
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Renan Hallal
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Blas Ledesma
Uncertified Hispanic America - South Attendee
Guilherme Lemos
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Breno Moreira
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Diogo Motta
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Wellington Nakamura Carneiro
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Ricardo Naldi
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Joao Neves
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Leonardo Nogueira
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Michel Oliveira
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Sam Pagliarini
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Vinicius Quaiato
Uncertified Brazil Staff
Carlos Rada
Uncertified Hispanic America - South Attendee
Giuseppi Ribeiro
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Fadul Rodor
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Allan Rodrigues
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Felipe Rodriguez
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Danilo Santiago Alves da Cruz
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Brunno Santos
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Renato Scapin
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Diego Serra
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Rafael Silva Willians
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Henrique Sousa
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Douglas Steinstrasser Martins
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Diogo Stumpf Monsores
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Rafael Tanabe
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Mateus Thurow
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Victor Vasconcelos
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Leonardo Villela
Uncertified Brazil Attendee
Joao Xavier
Uncertified Brazil Attendee