Finnish Nationals 2017

Organizer: Poromagia
Judge manager: Hannu Vallin
Event type: Nationals
REL: Competitive
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): Sept. 9, 2017
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Venue: Poromagia Oy
Opastinsilta 7 B
00520 Helsinki
Applications accepted through: None

Event Information

Poromagia hakee scorekeeperiä ja lattiatuomareita vuoden 2017 suomenmestaruuskilpailuihin. Turnauksen päätuomarina toimii Johanna Virtanen. Valittavana tuomarina sinulla on erinomainen sääntötuntemus ja kokemusta competitive REL-turnauksista. Etusijalla ovat L3/L2 tuomarit, mutta myös kokeneiden L1-tuomareiden kannattaa hakea.

Scorekeeperille ja lattiatuomareille Poromagia tarjoaa palkkiona 100 krediittiä. Turnaus alkaa kello 10:00 ja sisältää sekä Booster Draft- että standardosuuden.


Poromagia is looking for judges for Finnish Nationals in 2017. Head judge of the tournament will be Johanna Virtanen. We are mainly looking for L2/L3 judges, but experienced L1 judges with good knowled of competitive REL can also apply.

Compensation for judges will be 100 Poromagia credits, but we can discuss exchanging it partially for cash to cover travel expenses.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
John Eriksson
Level 3 (Judge Academy) Europe - North Floor Judge
Charlotte Sable
Level 3 (Magic Judges Finland) Europe - North Floor Judge
Johanna Virtanen
Level 3 (Magic Judges Finland) Europe - North Head Judge
Juha Ihonen
Level 2 (Magic Judges Finland) Europe - North Floor Judge
Arttu Kaipiainen
Level 2 (Magic Judges Finland) Europe - North Scorekeeper
Aukusti Koivu
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Europe - North Floor Judge
Hannu Vallin
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Europe - North Staff