Nebraska's War 2017 - 5th Edition

Organizer: Dungeon Street, Zio Istvan, Jolly Troll
Judge manager: Lamberto Franco
Event type: Other
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): Nov. 30, 2017-Dec. 3, 2017
Location: Lucca, Italy
Venue: Lucca Fiere e Congressi Spa
Via della Chiesa XXXII, 237 (Traversa I)
55100, Lucca (LU)
Applications accepted through: Oct. 13, 2017

Event Information

(English Version below)

Ciao a tutti!
Il 30 Novembre e 01-02-03 Dicembre 2017 si svolgerà la quinta edizione del Nebraska's War. Potete trovare tutte le informazioni sull'evento qui:
L'evento ospiterà tre negozi WPN: Dungeon Street, Zio Istvan, Jolly Troll. L'evento è approvato da WOTC Italia e i negozi organizzeranno questi eventi durante i 4 giorni:

10:30 Team Draft (Dungeon Street)
12:00 Legacy SE (Dungeon Street)
14:00 Team Trios Constructed Main Event (Dungeon Street)
15:00 Pauper SE (Swiss) (Dungeon Street)
16:00 Standard SE (Dungeon Street)
17:00-19:00 Turbo Draft (Dungeon Street)

10:30 Pauper Main Event (Dungeon Street)
12:00 Vintage Main Event (Dungeon Street)
14:00 Modern SE (Swiss) (Dungeon Street)
15:00 2HG Sealed SE (Dungeon Street)
16:00 Team Trios Constructed SE (Dungeon Street)
17:00-19:00 Minimaster Clash SE (Dungeon Street) 

10:30 Modern Main Event (Zio Istvan)
12:00 Old School Main Event (Zio Istvan)
14:00 Legacy SE (Swiss) (Zio Istvan)
15:00 Standard Main Event (PPTQ) (Zio Istvan)
16:00 Sealed SE (Zio Istvan)
17:00 Tiny Leaders SE (Swiss) (Zio Istvan)

10:30 Legacy Main Event (Jolly Troll)
12:00 Sealed Main Event (PPTQ) (Dungeon Street)
14:00 Leviathan SE (Swiss) (Jolly Troll) 
15:00 Team Trios Sealed SE (Jolly Troll)
16:00 Modern SE (Jolly Troll)
17:00-19:00 Minimaster Clash SE (Jolly Troll)

ODE Events (Draft, Standard, Modern, Multiplayer Commander)



Per conto degli organizzatori, stò cercando indicativamente:
Giovedì: 1 Standby + 1 Volontario
Venerdì: 2 FJ + 2 Standby + 2 Volontari
Sabato: 7 FJ + 3 Standby + 3 Volontari
Domenica: 7 FJ + 3 Standby + 3 Volontari

Inoltre, cerco Judge per alcune posizioni speciali. Se siete interessati ad una di queste posizioni per favore specificate brevemente nella cover letter le vostre precedenti esperienze in quel ruolo.

Oltre a questi ruoli specifici, per gli L2+ sarà possibile ricoprire posizioni di HJ o TL di tornei Competitive.


Compensation & Application Modes:

La compensation per il Nebraska's War 2017 è basata sul ruolo. Sono inoltre disponibili sponsorship speciali.
La compensation è, per giorno, la seguente (riferita alla modalità di application):

Il TO è disponibile a riacquistare i box dati in compenso allo staff a 70€ l'uno.

Sponsorship speciali, aggiuntive al compenso previsto dalla Full o Room Sponsorship, per i ruoli specificati precedentemente:
  • Main event Head Judge: 35€ rimborso viaggio per giorno in cui si ricopre questo ruolo. Riservata a Main Event Vintage, Modern e Legacy.
  • Scorekeeper: 35€ rimborso viaggio per giorno in cui si ricopre questo ruolo + posto letto per le notti di Giovedì, Venerdì e Sabato
Potete applicare per una qualsiasi combinazione di giorni, da specificare nell'application.
Specificate nell'application, tramite gli appositi selettori, tutti i tipi di sponsorship o ruoli a cui siete interessati. Non ci sono restrizioni sulla selezione dei ruoli nei diversi giorni, ad esempio è possibile applicare come Standby per 2 giorni e come Full Sponsorship per altri 2 giorni.
Applicare come Standby o Volontari non riduce le vostre possibilità di essere selezionati come Judge in staff.
Tutti i Judge in staff avranno a disposizione, ogni giorno, acqua a volontà e snack, direttamente in Judge Station.
I Judge in Staff avranno un canale preferenziale per eventuali firme dagli artisti.
I Judge in staff avranno la possibilità di prenotare un posto letto nell'hotel/appartamento dello staff, che sarà possibile prenotare dopo le selezioni, a seconda delle necessità. 


Per favore includete nell'application esperienze passate a REL Competitive, così come la conoscenza di eventuali lingue diverse dall'italiano, e a che livello. 
Una buona conoscenza dell'inglese o di altre lingue sarà titolo preferenziale durante la selezione.

L'abbigliamento adeguato per il torneo è: pantaloni neri, maglia nera, cintura nera, scarpe nere.
Le giornate saranno lunghe, prendetevi cura di voi stessi e siate in formissima!

Lo staff verrà selezionato in base al livello, all'esperienza, alla posizione geografica e alla partecipazione attiva alla comunità. Durante il weekend sarà dato uno spazio particolare al mentoring, essendo questo uno dei pochi tornei internazionali non Premier in cui si può davvero fare un'utilissima esperienza.
Sarà possibile testare per il L2, se interessati scrivetelo nell'application, specificando lo stato attuale della vostra checklist.

Per qualsiasi informazione o richiesta particolare, non esitate a contattarmi :)

Buona application!

English Version:

Hi all!
30 November and 01-02-03 December 2017 it will be run the 5th edition of Nebraska's War. You can find all the informations on the event here:
The event will include three WPN Stores: Dungeon Street, Zio Istvan, Jolly Troll. The event is approved by WOTC Italy and the stores will organize the following events during the course of the four days:

10:30 Team Draft (Dungeon Street)
12:00 Legacy SE (Dungeon Street)
14:00 Team Trios Constructed Main Event (Dungeon Street)
15:00 Pauper SE (Swiss) (Dungeon Street)
16:00 Standard SE (Dungeon Street)
17:00-19:00 Turbo Draft (Dungeon Street)

10:30 Pauper Main Event (Dungeon Street)
12:00 Vintage Main Event (Dungeon Street)
14:00 Modern SE (Swiss) (Dungeon Street)
15:00 2HG Sealed SE (Dungeon Street)
16:00 Team Trios Constructed SE (Dungeon Street)
17:00-19:00 Minimaster Clash SE (Dungeon Street) 

10:30 Modern Main Event (Zio Istvan)
12:00 Old School Main Event (Zio Istvan)
14:00 Legacy SE (Swiss) (Zio Istvan)
15:00 Standard Main Event (PPTQ) (Zio Istvan)
16:00 Sealed SE (Zio Istvan)
17:00 Tiny Leaders SE (Swiss) (Zio Istvan)

10:30 Legacy Main Event (Jolly Troll)
12:00 Sealed Main Event (PPTQ) (Dungeon Street)
14:00 Leviathan SE (Swiss) (Jolly Troll) 
15:00 Team Trios Sealed SE (Jolly Troll)
16:00 Modern SE (Jolly Troll)
17:00-19:00 Minimaster Clash SE (Jolly Troll)

ODE Events (Draft, Standard, Modern, Multiplayer Commander)



On behalf of the organizers, I'm approximately looking for:
Thursday: 1 Standby + 1 Volunteer
Friday: 2 FJ + 2 Standby + 2 Volunteers
Saturday: 7 FJ + 3 Standby + 3 Volunteers
Sunday: 7 FJ + 3 Standby + 3 Volunteers

Furthermore, I'm looking for some Judges for special roles. If you are interested in one of those positions, please briefly explain in your cover letter your previous experiences in that role.

Beside those specific roles, it will be possible for L2+ to be HJ or TL of Competitive Events.


Compensation & Application Modes:

Compensation for Nebraska's War 2017 is based on role. Indeed, there will be special sponsorships available.
Compensation is, per day, the following (referred to the application mode):

TO is available to buyback the boxes given to the staff at 70€ each.

Special Sponsorships, to be added to the compensation defined by Full or Room Sponsorship, for the roles previously explained:
  • Main event Head Judge: 35€ travel reimbursement per day in which the Judge will cover this role. Reserved to Main Event Vintage, Modern and Legacy.
  • Scorekeeper: 35€ travel reimbursement per day in which the Judge will cover this role + bed for the nights of Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
You can apply for any combination of days, to be specified in the application.
Please specify in the application, throught the selectors, all types of sponsorship or roles to which you're interested. There's no restrictions on the selection of the roles in the different days: for example it's possible to apply as Standby for 2 days and as Full Sponsorship for 2 other days.
Applying as Standby or Volunteers doesn't lower your possibilities to be selected as Judges on staff.
All Judges on staff will have available, every day, water and snacks, directly in Judge Station.
Judges in Staff will have a prioritary line for eventual signatures from artists.
Judges on staff will have the possibility to book a bed in the hotel/apartment of the staff. It will be possible to book them after selections, as necessary.


Please include in your cover letter previous experiences at Competitive REL, as well as the knowledge of foreign languages. It's not needed to talk italian, but it's absolutely needed to know English enough to work in an international environment. Knowledge of other European languages (such as German, French, Spanish, Czech) will be preferential titles for the selection.

The proper dress code for the event is: black trousers, black shirt, black belt, black shoes.
Days will be long, take care of yourselves and recharge yourself!

Staff will be selected based on level, experience, geographic position and active involvement in the community. During the weekend we'll give a particular space to mentoring, because this is one of the few non-Premier tournaments where it's actually possible to make a very useful experience.
It will be possible to test for L2, if interest please write it in your cover letter, specifying the current status of your checklist. 

For any additional request or informations, don't hesitate to contact me :)

Have a nice application!

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Jacopo Strati
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Matteo Callegari
Level 3 (Judge Academy) Italy and Malta Staff
Luca Chiassoni
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Luca Romano
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
saverio adamo
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Luca Cafaggi
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Francesco Cinelli
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Lamberto Franco
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Judge Manager
Martina Malvisi
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Sandro Manfredini
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Andrea Mondani
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Gianluca Pizzuti
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Matteo Ratti
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Alessandro Spagnesi
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Federico Vecchio
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Italy and Malta Standby
Nicolo' Pensa
Uncertified Italy and Malta Standby
Alessandro Ventura
Uncertified Italy and Malta Floor Judge