Conferencia Regional - Baja California 2018

Organizer: Daniel Gallegos
Judge manager: Daniel Gallegos
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): May 18, 2018-May 20, 2018
Location: Tijuana, Mexico
Venue: City Express Tijuana Otay
Lazaro Cardenas Blvd 16002, Otay University Section, 22427 Tijuana, B.C.
Applications accepted through: April 15, 2018

Event Information

¡Hola a todos!

Es un gusto poder traerles a ustedes la primer Conferencia del Noroeste de México en conjunto con la región Suroeste de los Estados Unidos. 

Nos encontramos muy entusiasmados y felices de poder realizar esta conferencia y esperamos que muchos jueces de ambas regiones así como aspirantes a jueces puedan acompañarnos. Las aplicaciones para solicitar esta conferencia estarán abiertas hasta el Domingo 15 de Abril.

Algunas de las metas que deseamos alcanzar junto con ustedes a traves de esta conferencia son:
- Construir y fortalecer lazos de colaboración entre ambas regiones que contribuyan al fortalecimiento de sus comunidades.
- Incrementar el numero de jueces tanto L1 como L2.
- Integrar a la comunidad del Noroeste de México con una mayora presencia del programa de jueces en ese región.
- Presentar contenido de relevancia para los jueces que ayude a reforzar su conocimiento de reglas.


City Express Tijuana Otay
Lazaro Cardenas Blvd 16002, Otay University Section, 22427 Tijuana, B.C.

Seminarios y actividades


Social Media between regions - John Hornberg

Community with your Regional Coordinators - Carlos Ho and Angela Chandler

Introduction to Judge Program - Daniel Gallegos

Layers - Carlos Ho

Short cuts - Maria Zuyeva

Combat - Emmanuel Leal


How to run events and PPTQs at the store level - EJ Drew and Misha Chernov

Level 1 workshop - Chris Higashi and Eric Lee

Level 2 workshop - Daniel Lee and Eric Lee

Costos y formas de pago

Estamos trabajando en un paquete de alrededor de $2,200.00MXN el cual incluye:

- 2 Noches de hospedaje (Tambien esta disponible la opcion de 1 noche).
- Transporte del hotel al aeropuerto.
- 2 desayunos buffet dentro del hotel.
- 2 comidas buffet dentro del hotel.

 La forma de pago para asistentes nacionales se realizaría a la siguiente cuenta:

Eva Susana Sanchez

Una vez realizado el pago por favor confirmar al siguiente correo:


Hello everyone!

It is a pleasure to bring you the first Northwest Mexico Conference in conjuntion with the Southwest region of the United States.

We are very excited to be able to hold this conference and we hope that many judges as well as judge candidates from both regions can join us. Applications to participate in this conference will be open until Sunday, April 15.

Some of the goals we want to achieve together through this conference are:
- Build and strengthen bonds of collaboration between both regions that contribute to the strengthening of their communities.
- Increase the number of judges, both L1 and L2.
- Integrate the community of Northwest Mexico with a greater presence of the Judge Program.
- Present relevant content for judges to help reinforce their knowledge of the rules.


City Express Tijuana Otay
Lazaro Cardenas Blvd 16002, Otay University Section, 22427 Tijuana, B.C.

Seminars and activities


Social Media between regions - John Hornberg

Community with your Regional Coordinators - Carlos Ho and Angela Chandler

Introduction to Judge Program - Daniel Gallegos

Layers - Carlos Ho

Short cuts - Maria Zuyeva

Combat - Emmanuel Leal


How to run events and PPTQs at the store level - EJ Drew and Misha Chernov

Level 1 workshop - Chris Higashi and Eric Lee

Level 2 workshop - Daniel Lee and Eric Lee

Costs and payment forms

Cost of the weekend will be $120 USD.

- 2 lodging nights (1 night option is also available).
- Transportation from the hotel to the airport.
- 2 buffet breakfasts inside the hotel.
- 2 buffet meals inside the hotel.

 Payments from foreign judges (USA only) can be made via Paypal: 
$125.18 USD (Paypal's fees included).

Once you made your payment please confirm it to this email:

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Daniel Lee
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee
Maria Alex Chernov
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee
Arturo Alvarado Picazo
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Attendee
Hebert Camacho
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Attendee
Daniel Gallegos
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Judge Manager
José Daniel García Rosas
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Attendee
Emmanuel Leal
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Attendee
Eric Lee
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee
Christian Aguilar
Level 1 USA - Northeast Attendee
Omar Gonzalez
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Latin America Attendee
Braulio Gutiérrez
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Latin America Staff
jorge alvarado
Uncertified Latin America Attendee
Jose Saul Betan
Uncertified Latin America Attendee
Angela Chandler
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Staff
Misha Chernov
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Attendee
Joctan Gutierrez
Uncertified Latin America Attendee
Chris Higashi
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Attendee
Carlos Ho
Uncertified Latin America Staff
Ismael Pallares
Uncertified Latin America Attendee
Luis Pichardo
Uncertified Latin America Attendee