Grand Prix Hong Kong 2018(2018 香港大獎賽)

Organizer: Channel Fireball Events
Judge manager: Hans Wang
Event type: Grand Prix
REL: Competitive/Professional (GP)
Format: Modern
Event date(s): Sept. 14, 2018-Sept. 16, 2018
Location: Hong kong, Hong Kong
Venue: 九龍灣國際展貿中心(香港九龍灣展貿徑一號)

Kowloon Bay International Trade & Exhibition Centre
1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Applications accepted through: June 22, 2018

Event Information

Channel Fireball Events 與熊貓賽事很榮幸地宣佈開始 2018 年香港大獎賽的裁判徵集!2018 年香港大獎賽將在 2018 9  14 日至 16 日由 Channel Fireball Events 和熊貓賽事合作舉辦。本申請可以申請擔任香港大獎賽的裁判和組長。
Channel Fireball Events  in cooperation with organizer Panda Events is excited to invite you to join an amazing community of people who will create some tremendously fun Magic: the Gathering experiences for guests of Grand Prix Hong Kong on Sep 14th - 16th 2018. This application will allow you to apply to be a Judge and Judge Lead positions for this Grand Prix.
請確實閱讀所有的申請選項。申請將會在 2018 6 22  23:59 (太平洋時區,香港時間 6 23  15:59)截止。
Please be sure to read the entire application carefully before applying.The application window will close at 11:59 PM (23:59) PST on Friday, June 22th, 2018.

In an effort to create opportunities for as many people as possible, we are offering two day positions (Friday/Saturday & Saturday/Sunday) in addition to three day positions. Applicants available for two day positions will be given higher priority than those only available for three day positions. Please select only those groups of days for which you are available to work.
Most staff positions are three day commitments which require availability from Friday morning at 8:00 AM (8:00) through Sunday evening at 8:00 PM (20:00). As you are answering the application questions, please select only those groups of days for which you are available to work.
Please note that you may apply for multiple roles, and may have more than one role over the course of the weekend.  If you are selected as a judge, you may be asked to take on operations tasks if needed.



  • 問詢台
  • 報名處
  • 獎品牆
  • VIP 區
  • 直播區
  • 特殊任務
  • 其他現場的工作
If selected for the Operations Team, you may be asked to work in one or more of the following areas:
  • Information Desk
  • Registration 
  • Prize Wall
  • VIP Attendant
  • Video Coverage
  • Special Operations
  • Other Event Operations Duties
Most Operations Team Members will be expected to work all three days, although a few may be scheduled to work Saturday and Sunday only.
Please note that you may apply for multiple roles, and may have more than one role over the course of the weekend.  If you are selected as a judge, you may be asked to take on operations tasks if needed.
All staff is required to speak Chinese, Cantonese or English.


Compensation depends on your role and sponsorship.
所有的產品都會是繁體中文的核心系列 2019 補充包。
All Product will be Core Set 2019 in Traditional Chinese. 
1 盒 / 天
2 盒 / 天
4 盒 / 天
1 - 3 盒
香港廣東省以外大中華區裁判(除了韓國): 1 盒
韓國、日本、東南亞、澳洲紐西蘭裁判: 2 盒
歐美裁判: 3 盒
Judge (L1)
1 box /day
Judge (L2+)
2 boxes / day
Judge Lead
4 boxes / day
Travel Sponsorship
1- 3 boxes
Judges from ChinaRegion (except Korea) living outside Hong Kong and Gunagdong: 1 box
Judges from Japan, SEA, AU/NZ and Korea: 2 boxes
Judges from America and Europe: 3 boxes
大家好,我是王恆,熊貓賽事的賽事經理。這次很高興能跟 CFBE 一起合作為大家帶來 2018 年香港大獎賽!
Welcome from Panda Events:
This is Hans, I’m the event manager from Panda Events and will be managing the staff at Grand Prix Hong Kong 2018.
It’s our pleasure to run this event with CFB Events!
We’re really looking forward to meeting you in Hong Kong! 
如果你有任何问题或要求,请透过 JudgeApps 或下列方式联系赛事经理王恒。
If you have any question or request, please contact Hans Wang as the Event Manager through JudgeApps or any of the following method.
Skype: savagehans21
Facebook: Hans Wang
WeChat / WhatsApp: +886926209296

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
John Reuben Ferrer
Level 4 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Hajime Fujii
Level 4 (International Judge Program) Japan Floor Judge
Klaus Lassacher
Level 4 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Team Lead
Sashi Balakrishnan
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Team Lead
Christian Gawrilowicz
Level 3 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Team Lead
Taro Ito
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Japan Floor Judge
Wendra Djati Kamadjaja
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Joe Lau
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Team Lead
Hiroshi Makita
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Japan Floor Judge
Chiaki Tamura
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Japan Floor Judge
QJ Wong
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Team Lead
George Gavrilita
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Europe - East Floor Judge
Ron Edward Joson
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Wella Anne Ladera
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Simon Lee
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Philippe Monlevade
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Team Lead
Boonyakiat Sripongam
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Zie Aun Tan
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Dennis Xiao
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Zhaoben Xu
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Scorekeeper
Nash Yu
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Kkc Ku
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Kenny Lai
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Patrick LAU
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Wing Hang Poon
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Trevor Baker
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Staff
Joel Bantiles
Uncertified Southeast Asia Team Lead
weiqing cai
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Youjin Choi
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Guanghui Dai
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Kevin Desprez
Uncertified France Head Judge
sha dong
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Tianxiong Dong
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Arseniy Egorov
Uncertified Russia and Russian-speaking countries Floor Judge
Wang Fang
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Nicolas Glik
Uncertified Iberia Staff
Ellis Gyöngyös
Uncertified Southeast Asia Team Lead
Haitao Jia
Uncertified Southeast Asia Team Lead
Jiahe Jiang
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Sun Jianhong
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Clint Lee
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
boxuan li
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Siyang Li
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Ji Liu
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Fabian Peck
Uncertified Australia and New Zealand Appeals Judge
xiaoping peng
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Christopher Richter
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Staff
Jon Saso
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Tournament Organizer
Mashi Scanlan
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Staff
Chenghao Shen
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Yi Shen
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
CFBEvents Staff Manager
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Staff
Yixian Sun
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Stephen Tran
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Gerard Trpin
Uncertified France Team Lead
Kuok Wai U
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Hans Wang
Uncertified Southeast Asia Judge Manager
Yan Zhi Wang
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Yu Wang
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
yue xiao
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Guisheng Xiao
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
guanghua xu
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Winnie Yau
Uncertified Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Yu Win Yew
Uncertified Southeast Asia Team Lead
junwei zheng
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Lei Zhou
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff