Las Vegas mock tournament conference — Player/presenter application

Organizer: John Hornberg
Judge manager: John Hornberg
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): April 14, 2018
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Venue: Darkside Games
9620 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Suite N8
Las Vegas, NV 89123
Applications accepted through: March 23, 2018

Event Information

About this event

Join us for the Las Vegas mock tournament judge conference on April 14 at Darkside Games! The format for the mock tournament will be four-back Rivals of Ixalan sealed with no entry fee and no prizes. Players should be at the venue by 12:30 p.m. for the start of the event.

Judges and presenters should be at the venue by noon for pre-event preparation (venue will be opened one hour before the event.) Expect the event to run about seven to seven-and-a-half hours.

This conference will be run as a competitive-level tournament, with four teams (deck checks, floor coverage, paper, logistics). The format and other details about it will be announced in the next few days.

What is this event for?

This event is intended for judges to develop their skills in a competitive setting. At the end of each round, there will be a team debrief where "lessons learned" during the round will be shared and we can discuss best practices and feedback.

Who can participate?

All certified judges are encouraged to attend and participate. This application is for judges interested in participating as a player, or who would like to help be participating in scenarios for the judges to address.

Those who wish to participate as a judge, team lead or scorekeeper should follow the link below. Feel free to apply for both roles. If you have a preference for roles, please note it in your cover letter.

How (and where) do I apply?

All applicants will need to fill out the application and submit a cover letter with the "Apply" button. If you are interested in applying to also be a judge, team lead or scorekeeper, click the following link:

Please use this opportunity to receive feedback on your cover letter.  Apply to this event as though you were applying to work a large event.  Please include your goals, experience, and other skills that would encourage a tournament organizer to accept your application.

Will there be foils?

Since this is an official regional conference, there will be foil support. Foil support is only for applicants who are accepted to the conference and who are certified judges at the time their application is accepted.

I have more questions!

All questions should be directed to judge manager John Hornberg, conference coordinators Jordan Johnston or Eliana Rabinowitz, or regional coordinator Angela Chandler.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Daniel Lee
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Presenter
Eliana Rabinowitz
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Tournament Organizer
Rob Blanckaert
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Presenter
Davis Gibson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Attendee
Eric Lee
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Presenter
Joey Valente
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Presenter
Christian Aguilar
Level 1 USA - Northeast Presenter
Angela Chandler
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Tournament Organizer
Paul Gebhart
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Presenter
Chris Higashi
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Presenter
John Hornberg
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Judge Manager
Jordan Johnston
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Tournament Organizer
Kyle Knudson
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Presenter
Marc Lunde
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Presenter
Kyle McQuilkin
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Presenter
Christopher Paxton
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Attendee
Zachary Weinstein
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Attendee