Edited Evan Cherry (Feb. 23, 2015 07:25:38 PM)
Edited Théo CHENG (Feb. 24, 2015 02:51:19 AM)
Edited Evan Cherry (Feb. 23, 2015 07:31:53 PM)
Edited Yonatan Kamensky (Feb. 25, 2015 12:44:15 AM)
Originally posted by Robert Blanckaert:
Here is a slight variation on a situation that came up at a recent PTQ. It raised a lot of interesting discussion between the judges when we discussed it after the event.
You are called to a table where the players explain to you that Ashley had countered Nate’s Pearl Lake Ancient, and they have just realized the mistake. The players tell you Ashley attacked with a group of tokens, and Nate flashed in the ancient to block, which Ashley countered with Dissolve. The ancient was then put in the graveyard. When you ask about the actions that occurred after that mistake, they tell you Ashley resolved two sets of looting triggers off her two copies of Jeskai Ascendancy and a scry 1. Nate took the damage from the buffed tokens. On this next turn, he draw for turn and starts to cast Dig Through Time, but when he starts paying for the spell, he realizes the ancient should not have been countered.
Question One: Should we back up here? It seems that reversing the game back all the way through the scry and loots to the point of error is going to be tricky.
Question Two: You notice that not only was the effect of Dissolve wrong (it shouldn’t have moved the spell to the graveyard) but that it was resolved the wrong time (the Ascendency triggers should have happened first). Can ignore the out of order sequencing and back up to the point the error should have happened with proper sequencing, right after the scry, when the unaffected ancient should have resolved? This is much more feasible.
Question Three: Assuming we don’t backup, (perhaps because of a fetchland or similar other problems) can we apply the partial fix for an incorrect zone change? The ancient was supposed to have moved from the stack to the battlefield, but it moved from the stack to the graveyard, so could we put it onto the battlefield?
Question Four: Clearly some game rules have been violated here. What penalties to we issue and to who?
Edited Marc Shotter (March 4, 2015 09:27:59 AM)
Originally posted by Robert Blanckaert:
Question Three: Assuming we don’t backup, (perhaps because of a fetchland or similar other problems) can we apply the partial fix for an incorrect zone change? The ancient was supposed to have moved from the stack to the battlefield, but it moved from the stack to the graveyard, so could we put it onto the battlefield?
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