Mid-Round Deck-Check system
Hey all, I wanted to share some thoughts with you all about mid-round deck-checks. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, moderators please move it if necessary.
I have always found mid-round deck-checks a bit awkward and clunky, especially when you are trying to perform it within a limited time frame while players are waiting for you eagerly to finish. Thats why I was delighted when I was introduced to a new method by a level 1 candidate I was mentoring (and a very good friend of mine) Theodoros Millidonis. Theo just became level 1 this weekend by the way, so well done to him! He came up with this on the spot with his first deckcheck, which was very innovative of him.
The Method:
I laid out the cards in front of me, sorted roughly by mana cost as usual. I did the same for the sideboard, keeping it clearly seperate from the maindeck piles of course.
I read down the decklist and picked up the cards as I usually would. If I found a card(s) that was sideboarded out, I turned it face down in the sideboard pile. If I found a card that was sideboarded in, I would pick it up and check the decklist sideboard section to see that it was there.
Following this procedure, by the end of it, it would mean that the maindeck would all go back to my hand and every card in the sideboard pile would be facedown. If this is not true, or if you read something in the list that you couldnt pick up or turn face down, it means something is obviously wrong.
I found this method very time-saving and eliminated the need to make notes on the decklist or notepad to keep track of what was sideboarded in and out.
I dont know if anyone has used this system before but I thought it prudent to share it just in case, for it made my life a lot easier. I hope others are willing to give it a go and find it useful too. Thank you Theo for whipping it up… If it is indeed original, we shall come up with a cool name for it! ;)