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GP Travel Guides - 2015

Dec. 10, 2014 05:03:00 AM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


And here we are, planning the beginning of 2015. Welcome to the first GP of the year in Asia. Are you ready for Manila? MANILA, the capital of Philipines, one of the first global cities of the History. GP MANILA will take place in January. A team of Filipino Magic Judges have some recommendations for you. And here you can find the Travel Guide in case you want to go.

City: Manila
Authors: Wil Dizon and Filipino Magic Judges
Link: GPManila2015

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Dec. 10, 2014 07:17:55 PM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


Now we present the Travel Guide for other of the first global cities of the History: MEXICO CITY. If you want to spend some days in Mexico City in the change from January to February, maybe you want to go the GP. Do you want to go for a walk in Zócalo? Or maybe taste delicious tacos? Omar has some other suggestions for you.

City: Mexico City
Author: Omar Gonzalez Lopez
Link: GPMexico2015TravelGuide

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Dec. 23, 2014 07:42:34 PM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


I'm very glad to present you the travel guide for the first Japanese GP of the year: SHIZOUKA Sakai-san and Seno-san has done a great job presenting us this beautiful city with many advices and suggestions to make our trip to this GP a great experience. Are you going there? If your answer is yes, this guide will be very useful for you.

City: Shizouka
Author: Yoshitoki Sakai and Akira Seno.
Link: GPShizouka2015TravelGuide

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Jan. 2, 2015 07:50:20 PM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


Today, a bit late but still useful, we share with you the Travel Guide for GP DENVER. Maybe you will be around the Mile-High City and you plan to spend some days in Colorado. Why not going to play some Magic? Cassidy has some suggestions on where to go and where not reserve a room. Enjoy!

City: Denver
Author: Cassidy Melczak
Link: GPDenver2015TravelGuide

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Jan. 9, 2015 03:51:36 PM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


I'm glad to present you the Travel Guide of the first GP in Spain in this season: SEVILLA. As the popular song sais “Sevilla is special”, charming and magical. With his Giralda and tapas and flamenco. Do you want to go? Maxim and his team has a lot of suggestions for you!

City: Seville
Authors: Maxim Antipov, José Luis Rofa, Jorge Rua, Juan Francisco Montiel and José Luis Morales
Link: GPSeville2015TravelGuide

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Jan. 12, 2015 07:03:51 AM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


Are you ready for the Magical Mistery Grand Prix in March? If so, come and visit LIVERPOOL. Walk on Abbey Road or taste a pint of beer at The Cavern. Thanks to Mark Winkle, we can share this travel guide with a lot of interesting things! Maybe that weekend there is a interesting football match in Anfield.

City: Liverpool
Authors: Mark Winckle
Link: GPLiverpool2015TravelGuide

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Edited Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez (Jan. 12, 2015 07:04:18 AM)

Feb. 8, 2015 07:51:58 PM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


Today, we presents the City of Sails: AUCKLAND Located in the north of New Zealand, this city is the more populated city of that country. alan and Matthew have prepared this travelguide hoping that you can find there all the tips for having a great stay in the city.

City: Auckland
Authors: Alan Peng and Matthew Miles-Watson
Link: GPAuckland2015TravelGuide

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Feb. 18, 2015 06:53:00 AM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


The next guide will take you to the Pacific Coast of Canada. Yes, you guessed it: VANCOUVER The most important city of British Columbia, Vancouver is a modern city considered one of the best places to live (and, we hope, to play Magic). David have prepared some hints and suggestions to enjoy the city.

City: Vancouver
Authors: David Hartford
Link: GPVancouver2015TravelGuide

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March 5, 2015 06:12:23 PM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


Do you have plans for April? Do you imagine a better place to spend a weekend than in KRAKOW? One of the oldest and most important cities of Poland. It is a cultural, artistic and economical centre of Poland, being very famous its univeristy. It is also part of the World Heritage list. Kaja and Konrad have prepared a guide showing you the best things of this awesome city. Will you miss it?

City: Krakow
Authors: Kaja Pekala and Konrad Wieczorek
Link: GPKrakow2015TravelGuide

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March 20, 2015 05:16:11 AM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


Today we present the travel guide for one of the three big Modern Master II GPs: UTRECHT In addition to enjoy judging this awesome set, you can see the Domtorem or the copy of the Jelling stones in Utrecht; or visit Amsterdam, very near to Utrecht. Thanks to Anniek,Teun, Jasper and Kenny, you can have the tips for your trip in this travel guide.

City: Utrecht
Authors: Anniek van der Peijl, Japer Capel, Teun Zijp and Kenny Koornneef
Link: GP_Utrecht

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March 23, 2015 03:13:10 AM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


Welcome to the capital of Belgium: BRUSSELS Hosting many of the European Union institution, Brussels is a cosmopolite city that invites you to relax in his streets and squares. And this April, there is a Pro Tour in this marvellous city. If you plan to go to the PT, you might find useful the travel guide prepared by Pascal and his team.

City: Brussels
Authors: Pascal Gemis, Alexandre Darras, Victor Truong and Reinout Stevens
Link: PT_Brussels

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March 25, 2015 04:46:00 AM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


Next Grand Prix in the Land of Rising Sun will be in KYOTO Kyoto, the city that once was the ancient capital of Japan, will make you fall in love of its streets. Shrines and castles live together to modern business buildings, combining tradition and modernity. Sakay-san and Seno-san has prepared a very useful travel guide with some important hints if you plan to assist to the Grand Prix and, maybe, do some sightseeing.

City: Kyoto
Authors: Yoshitoki Sakai and Akira Seno.
Link: GP_Kyoto

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April 3, 2015 04:27:47 PM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015

Ola persoa!

Maybe you are planning to start May in a warm city full of enjoyment and full of Magic: SAO PAULO. As one of the largest cities in the world, the joyful Sao Paulo can offer you all the happiness of Brazil. In addition to enjoy a Grand Prix, you can visit the Museu do Futebol or even see a football match. Vinicius and João have some hints on what to do there. Enjoy!

City: São Paulo
Authors: Vinicius Quaiato and João Paulo,
Link: GP_SaoPaulo

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April 10, 2015 04:08:20 AM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


I'm very happy to present you the travel guide for Grand Prix FLORENCE. The capital of Tuscany will be full Magic and culture the third weekend of May. There, you can mix a Brainstorm with Il Duomo, some Palazzos and a lot of scultures and pictures. Lamberto, Andrea and Saverio have prepared travel guide for helping you to decide!

City: Florence
Authors: Lamberto Franco, Andrea Mondani and Saverio Adamo
Link: GP_Florence

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April 10, 2015 05:00:42 AM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

GP Travel Guides - 2015


The second week of May, there is a great opportunity for visiting one of the most beautiful cities in the World, PARIS, and play some Magic. In Paris you can combine judging or playing your Dragon's deck with a romantic walk with your girlfriend or boyfriend (or even some friends). Denis has prepared the travel guide with all the hints and suggestions for making this Grand Prix an experience unforgettable.

City: Paris
Authors: Denis Schalck
Link: GP_Paris

This guide is of public usage, please feel free to share it with your community.

Edited Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez (April 10, 2015 05:01:16 AM)