WER Local Player lists
Well, alas, after all these years of realizing how WER is designed to harm its users and ensure that stores have negative experiences, I find myself the victim of this problem right immediately as I was acting to protect myself from WER ruining tournament experiences for me and my players.
Just as I was starting up WER to back up my local players so as not to create great suffering for all of the large regional events we have here in the Pacific Northwest, WER informed me that an update was available and asked if I wanted to run the update. Like a fool, I answered yes despite knowing that every other such update is not properly tested and potentially harmful to any use of WER. As soon as the updates started, I received the error message that access to the WER executable was not permitted. Then, right after, “value cannot be null.” And, finally, the dreaded, “object reference not set to an instance of an object.” Of course, my local players are now all gone. Even worse, tournament histories are now all gone. Every event still accessible in WER shows no rounds and results.
Even if I had an available back-up for my local players, wherever these tournament files are that should exist to protect event histories are now gone. Someone much smarter than me and who cares much more about player and organizer experience needs to work up some sort of script that can be run regularly that backs up whatever files it is that WER uses that keeps updates from destroying past data and harming organizers and players all over the world.