Originally posted by Aaron Huntsman:Benjamin McDole
No problem :) In this case we want to look at the real base cause of the problem. The player cast Think Twice, and they drew one card. Both of those things are absolutely fine, so we don't really want to go with DEC.
That is NOT fine. I am not asking for a citation of the IPG. I have them right here in front of me. I am trying to demonstrate that if Alice knows the next card she's going to draw, possibly one that will win her the game, then draws it inappropriately through some GRV, then puts a card back at random that isn't the card she's just tutored for, she's drawn an extra card with only a warning. All I want is for someone to acknowledge that this might be a Bad Thing, and that someone in charge of making the rules might be reading this.
Originally posted by Carsten Haese:
I think what everybody wants you to acknowledge is that this is a bad thing that Alice's opponent could have prevented.
Originally posted by Mark Brown:
I'm not sure why you are trying to get a discussion going
Scott Marshall
After lots of people with extensive experience with several iterations of the IPG finished their discussions, we ended up with the current GRV vs. DEC definitions. And, while we do continue to discuss & debate, in an effort to improve, we really do have it much better than it was before. (Remember the days of PE-Minor/Major/Severe? Players subjected to the vagaries of that system sure do…)
Originally posted by Mark Brown:
Aaron, the definition of the infractions is why not revealing the card for Domri Rade is upgraded and casting a spell illegally that results in a card drawn that shouldn't isn't a game loss.
Originally posted by Aaron Huntsman:
If there is any other rationale for the penalties working this way, I'm begging someone to share it.
Originally posted by MIPG:Aaron, I strongly recommend a thorough (re-)reading of the General Philosophy, at the beginning of the IPG.
These procedures do not, and should not, take into account the game being played, the current situation that the game is in, or who will benefit strategically from the procedure associated with a penalty. While it is tempting to try to “fix” game situations, the danger of missing a subtle detail or showing favoritism to a player (even unintentionally) makes it a bad idea.
Edited Aaron Huntsman (Jan. 22, 2013 06:20:46 AM)
Originally posted by Aaron Huntsman:
Repeatedly pointing to the IPG is not going to convince me that this is acceptable. If there is any other rationale for the penalties working this way, I'm begging someone to share it.
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