Edited Scott Marshall (July 16, 2015 12:11:07 AM)
Edited John Jackson (July 16, 2015 01:55:46 AM)
Originally posted by John Jackson:Close… but this is a great example of why players shouldn't even try to “tiptoe the line” - there's a lot of misunderstanding, even among judges, and where one judge might allow something, another might DQ.
if they are combining prize split and concession it falls under bribery
Originally posted by Michael Bauman:Yep, this is fairly common, all over. Towards the end of day 2 at GPs and PTs, players will discuss how many Pro Points they need to reach the next level, and concessions happen to help another player “level up”.
this is a common occurrence at my LGS
Edited Evan Cherry (July 17, 2015 04:25:26 AM)
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