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Tournament Operations » Post: "Approved Scorekeeper"

"Approved Scorekeeper"

Aug. 4, 2015 06:46:53 AM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy)), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

"Approved Scorekeeper"

Hello everyone,

Has anyone heard the term “Approved Scorekeeper”? It is mentioned in an article on the WPN website.

Does anyone know who these people are? Is there an organization similar to Judge Program that unites Magic scorekeepers?

1) I would to know whether I work with an Approved Scorekeeper at an event (or when selecting the staff for it).
2) I would like to become one of them ;-)

Thanks (and I apologize if you perceive this as a spam)!

Milan Majercik

Edited Milan Majerčík (Aug. 4, 2015 06:47:37 AM)

Aug. 4, 2015 07:07:20 AM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

"Approved Scorekeeper"

There is no such official program in existence.
There was for a time such a program exclusively in Europe to develop scorekeepers of Grand Prix level.


From: Milan Majerčík
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2015 4:47 AM
To: Heckt, Andy <>
Subject: “Approved Scorekeeper” (Tournament Operations)

Hello everyone,

Have anyone heard the term “Approved Scorekeeper”? It is mentioned in an article<> on the WPN website.

Does anyone know who these people are? Is there an organization similar to Judge Program that unites Magic scorekeepers?

1) I would to know whether I work with an Approved Scorekeeper at an event (or when selecting the staff for it).
2) I would like to become one of them ;-)

Thanks (and I apologize if you perceive this as a spam)!

Milan Majercik

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Aug. 4, 2015 07:29:53 AM

Jose Miguel Sanchez Navarro
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))


"Approved Scorekeeper"

Interesting thread.
It means that actually is not possible to be an Approved Scorekeeper?
I'm not thinking about Grand Prix Level.

it would be interesting to have a good definition about Scorekeeper

Aug. 4, 2015 09:07:04 AM

James Winward-Stuart
Judge (Level 2 (UK Magic Officials)), Tournament Organizer

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

"Approved Scorekeeper"

Originally posted by WPN page:

Andrew Heckt
There is no such official program in existence.

So what do we tell TOs who ask us about this?
Does it just mean that Wizards have an informal list of known “good” scorekeepers that they will share with TOs?

Edited James Winward-Stuart (Aug. 4, 2015 09:07:30 AM)

Aug. 4, 2015 09:15:25 AM

Adam Hubble
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy)), Scorekeeper

USA - South Central

"Approved Scorekeeper"

I'd probably instruct them to contact WPN, since that's where the
information came from.

There is a line between the Magic Judge Program and Wizards Play Network,
and sometimes as judges we just don't have access to the information or
answers to a question that a TO might have about WPN

L2 (and also WPN TO)

Aug. 4, 2015 09:57:37 AM

Bryan Prillaman
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southeast

"Approved Scorekeeper"

> On Aug 4, 2015, at 10:08 AM, James Winward-Stuart <> wrote:
> So what do we tell TOs who ask us about this?

Tell them that that line isn't applicable to them.

Aug. 4, 2015 10:14:22 AM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy)), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

"Approved Scorekeeper"

OK, thanks everyone for your insights. I guess, I will ask WPN how to become na Approved Scorekeeper.

Aug. 4, 2015 10:36:53 AM

Jordan Baker
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Great Lakes

"Approved Scorekeeper"

Reading over that, I'm guessing that that line is analogous to “Must have an Approved Scorekeeper if the event is a multi-format or multi-day event”, which makes sense to me, as those specific types of events are either impossible or very rough to run in WER. (I've done it, it's not fun…) That implies that these events would need to be run in DCIR or WLTR, so there would be a specific need to have someone scorekeeping who is “approved” (i.e. they're OK to work with them at events) and experienced in those.

Aug. 4, 2015 10:41:55 AM

Philip Ockelmann
Judge (Level 4 (International Judge Program)), Regional Representative (German-speaking countries), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer, IJP Temporary Regional Advisor

German-speaking countries

"Approved Scorekeeper"

While we are at it, what IS the problem with running multi-day events on WER (besides the speed-issues at greater numbers of players)?

As multi-day WMCQs are just around the corner and WER is a given for them (as far as I know), that would be pretty interesting.

EDIT: Oh, and besides the fact that WER doesn't let you upload the results if you have passed midnight. But that is fixable by just sending the tournament backup to WPN directly and have them handle it…

Edited Philip Ockelmann (Aug. 4, 2015 10:44:55 AM)

Aug. 4, 2015 10:46:28 AM

Jordan Baker
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Great Lakes

"Approved Scorekeeper"

WER is fine in abstract for a regular multi-day event - it's just a little bit finicky on the later rounds. Byes are a little annoying to handle, as there isn't a simple “bye” field, but it can be done as well. the current major issue comes from format switches and the pairings logistics associated with those, but those aren't going to be happening at WMCQs.

Aug. 4, 2015 11:30:10 AM

Philip Ockelmann
Judge (Level 4 (International Judge Program)), Regional Representative (German-speaking countries), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer, IJP Temporary Regional Advisor

German-speaking countries

"Approved Scorekeeper"

Thanks, good to know there isn't anything that we have to expect that has not happened before :)

Aug. 4, 2015 11:36:52 AM

Mark Mc Govern
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

"Approved Scorekeeper"

While we're on this side discussion - isn't there a bug involving creating rounds on the calendar day after the event is scheduled for? ie the Sunday rounds for a Saturday WMCQ?

Aug. 4, 2015 11:39:14 AM

David de la Iglesia
Judge (Uncertified)

Europe - East

"Approved Scorekeeper"


please open another thread if you want to ask about a different topic.