Based on the info page for WMCQs ( there are 3 ways to be eligible.
1) PT HoF. I think it's likely that you'll know these players if they want to play in your event. :)
2) PT Players Club members. These are listed here: Unfortunately, these are not listed by DCI number, but you can search it by name.
3) Most likely case: meeting the PWP threshold for the country as listed in the premiere event invitation policy, app C ( ). In the US, that's 500 points. To see someone's points, point your browser at the PWP website as follows: or just go to the main page and enter the number.
I guess there's also case #4, winning a trial… but since you are probably running those, you can hopefully keep track of those winners. :)
Edited David Hibbs (Aug. 5, 2015 02:09:09 PM)