Edited Sean Riley (Sept. 24, 2015 07:18:19 PM)
Downgrade: If a player, before taking any game actions, discovers a deck (not decklist) problem and calls a judge at that point, the Head Judge may issue a Warning, fix the deck, and, if the player has drawn their opening hand, instruct the player to mulligan. The player may continue to take further mulligans if he or she desires.
Ambiguous or unclear names on a decklist may allow a player to manipulate the contents of his or her deck up until the point at which they are discovered. The Head Judge may downgrade the penalty for an ambiguous name or obvious clerical error if they believe that the error could not be used to gain an advantage in the tournament.
'The contents of the presented deck and sideboard do not match the decklist registered.'The deck contains 4 ‘empty’ checklist cards an no jace.
Additionally, if there are extra cards stored with the sideboard that could conceivably be played in the player’s deck, they will be considered a part of the sideboard unless they are:So, these four jace's are not represented by a checklist card. Therefore are they part of the sideboard?
• Double-faced cards represented by checklist cards in the deck.
Edited Elliot Garner (Sept. 25, 2015 07:54:07 AM)
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