Edited Gordon Lugauer (Oct. 23, 2015 08:37:11 AM)
Originally posted by AMTR5.2:
For instance, players may play their match until the match next to them finishes and agree to draw because that result favors their chances at making top 8. But they cannot make any extraordinary effort to get the information they want, like pausing the match to recheck the standings or pairings or to find out the results of the match three tables over. Players may not play slowly to wait on relevant matches to finish.
The note for intentional draws codifies and standardizes the scorekeeping practice.
Edited Guy Baldwin (Oct. 23, 2015 10:59:19 AM)
Edited Elliot Garner (Oct. 23, 2015 04:16:25 PM)
Originally posted by Charles Featherer:
(Not reading other answers first, forgive me if this the 20th response that says the same thing).
I don't have enough experience with WER to be certain. But my guess here is that you would report it as a 1-1-1 in WER and move on to the next problem. That's it, no need to be complicated.
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