assured me that he knew who to contact with a complaintWe'll watch for that e-mail… ;)
Originally posted by Scott Marshall:His response would likely have been, since he said as much in our conversation, “It doesn't matter if he wanted to destroy his own Jace or not. That's what he said.” To him, that's the gold standard.
I would ask Norin “why do you believe he wanted to destroy his own Jace?”.
Originally posted by John Trout:
And, in his paradigm, there's a lot of sloppy judge calls that don't meet his standards!
Originally posted by John Trout:One of the additional options you can work with is to that official documents states that "These events hold players to a higher standard of behavior and technically-correct play than Competitive events.", from which we can infer that, for this to be true, Competitive events can only be more relaxed on standard of behaviour and technically-correct play.
The root of the problem was a genuine mismatch between his understanding of what “Competitive” indicates, in terms of player and judge expectations, vs. the reality of it.
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