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Judge Booklet - Revised

Jan. 7, 2016 07:59:49 PM

Charles Featherer
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Judge Booklet - Revised

The Judge Booklet has been a project on hold for a bit of time. The concept is that Judges can print out a foldable document that has very important information points (Continuous Effects Guide, IPG, Reviews, etc). in an easy to digest format. The particular format of this document allows Judges to print it and place it in their notepad where they need it most. If you haven't seen one, please trust me on this - it's awesome. Due to its design, it is arguably better for some resources than digital assistants like MTG Guide.

This project is being restarted (thank you Christian Gawrilowicz and Ute Kronenberg!). As my foreign language skills are limited, I'm looking for some talented Judges to help with translations from English. If this is a project you are interested in helping with, please send me a message via Judge Apps with your name, language(s) of expertise, and your email address. You may also comment below which language(s) you are able to help with so that I don't get 20 Greek language experts in my Reddit message box and no Spanish language experts.

(Note, I use the word expert liberally above, but what I really mean is natural language speakers that can help us with the translation of the Booklet).

Thank you for reading this post, I hope to bring you news of the updated project in English very soon.

(Originally posted in the Reddit Judges forum, linked so you can read current comments).

Edited Charles Featherer (Jan. 7, 2016 08:00:51 PM)

Jan. 7, 2016 08:00:09 PM

Charles Featherer
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Judge Booklet - Revised

Spanish is currently covered, looking for other language help.

Jan. 8, 2016 06:29:35 AM

Juan Del Compare
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Latin America

Judge Booklet - Revised

Charles: Please remember that there are translations available for the
rules in many languages. Technical stuff should be copied from there
instead of re-translated, to mantain a common glossary.
Check out

Jan. 8, 2016 07:12:44 AM

Charles Featherer
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Judge Booklet - Revised

Originally posted by Juan Del Compare:

Charles: Please remember that there are translations available for the
rules in many languages. Technical stuff should be copied from there
instead of re-translated, to mantain a common glossary.
Check out


Thank you. I will use this when possible - but much of the Booklet is shorthand/reminder text and still requires individual translators. We also have other special panels. One that comes to mind at the moment is the panel about Judge Reviews and Feedback (something I'm sure we can all agree is important). That isn't found in the Comp Rules, IPG, or MTR. As such, having translators on the team is a good idea to both confirm that the text makes sense and to assist with raw translations.


(EDIT NOTE - This is my understanding/opinion. I feel it is supported by the previous team's incarnation that included several translators. I'm willing to be shown otherwise though - and we will rely on the recommended documents when possible).

Edited Charles Featherer (Jan. 8, 2016 07:42:02 AM)

Jan. 8, 2016 07:47:40 AM

Juan Del Compare
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Latin America

Judge Booklet - Revised

> Thank you. I will use this when possible - but much of the Booklet is
> shorthand/reminder text and still requires individual translators. We also
> have other special panels. One that comes to mind at the moment is the panel
> about Judge Reviews and Feedback (something I'm sure we can all agree is
> important). That isn't found in the Comp Rules, IPG, or MTR. As such, having
> translators on the team is a good idea to both confirm that the text makes
> sense and to assist with raw translations.

I never tried to imply you don't need translators. Just ask them to
use the sources available for consistency ;-)

Jan. 8, 2016 07:58:05 AM

Charles Featherer
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Judge Booklet - Revised

Originally posted by Juan Del Compare:

> Thank you. I will use this when possible - but much of the Booklet is
> shorthand/reminder text and still requires individual translators. We also
> have other special panels. One that comes to mind at the moment is the panel
> about Judge Reviews and Feedback (something I'm sure we can all agree is
> important). That isn't found in the Comp Rules, IPG, or MTR. As such, having
> translators on the team is a good idea to both confirm that the text makes
> sense and to assist with raw translations.

I never tried to imply you don't need translators. Just ask them to
use the sources available for consistency ;-)

My misunderstanding, apologies. Thank you for your feedback.


Jan. 8, 2016 11:31:06 AM

José Moreira
Judge (Uncertified)


Judge Booklet - Revised

I can/want to help, portuguese here, pm me :)

Jan. 8, 2016 12:25:02 PM

Stefan Ladstätter-Thaa
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program))

Vienna, Austria

Judge Booklet - Revised

Count me in for German.

Jan. 8, 2016 12:36:26 PM

Philip Ockelmann
Judge (Level 4 (International Judge Program)), Regional Representative (German-speaking countries), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer, IJP Temporary Regional Advisor

German-speaking countries

Judge Booklet - Revised

Feel free to contact me for german should Stefan be out for whatever reasons.

Jan. 8, 2016 03:44:18 PM

Tobias Rolle
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

Judge Booklet - Revised

If you need more German help, let me know.

Thanks for reviving this project!

Jan. 10, 2016 02:56:36 PM

Yonatan Kamensky
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Judge Booklet - Revised

I can help with Hebrew!

Jan. 10, 2016 08:40:40 PM

Charles Featherer
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Judge Booklet - Revised

So we're set for: Spanish Portuguese, German, & Hebrew. Outstanding!

The current status of the project is I've added Sophie Pages (L3) France. She's been working on the project on her own for a while and has a 2 page booklet that we're looking at. The final product may end up being that long - some of the items she has used to expand it are great ideas.

I'll post more info in a couple of days, as soon as we work out if this is going to end up being one, two, or some combination of pages (I'm currently leaning towards a primary page and a supplemental page setup, but I'm waiting on a little bit more feedback from the two current editors).

Thank you all for being awesome and volunteering to help with the project.


Jan. 11, 2016 12:20:41 AM

Stéphane Van Cauwenberghe
Judge (Uncertified)


Judge Booklet - Revised

I can help for French

I am also, but on my own, working on the judge booklet.

Last year, when I started judge training, I wanted an updated “paper” Judge Booklet but could'nt find any one.
So I did it myself and shared it on the be/fr training facebook group (managed by L2 Pascal Gemis)

Here is my work in progress:
- You can see a new section about the JAR. I added it because the Judge Booklet is mainly aimed to newbie Judge.
- I am still working on the MT section.

Edited Stéphane Van Cauwenberghe (Jan. 11, 2016 12:24:09 AM)

Jan. 11, 2016 02:13:46 AM

Bartłomiej Wieszok
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Tournament Organizer

Europe - Central

Judge Booklet - Revised

I can assist with Polish :)

Jan. 11, 2016 01:04:33 PM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

Judge Booklet - Revised


I will gladly help with translation into Czech.