Originally posted by Dan Collins:
Oh, the top of your library is publicly available information? So it would
be fine if a spectator were to stop by and look at the top card of your
library in the middle of a game?
I'm not convinced that publicly available are the words that should have
been used here.
Originally posted by IPG 2.3, Philosophy:
Though the game state cannot be reversed to the ‘correct’ state, this error can be offset by giving the opponent sufficient knowledge and ability to correct the error so that it cannot generate advantage.
This infraction only applies when an unknown card is in a hidden location both before and after the error. If cards are placed into a public zone their order is known and the infraction can behandled as a Game Rule Violation. Order cannot be determined from card faces only visible to one player unless the zone in question contains only a single card.(emphasis mine)
Edited Jeff S Higgins (Jan. 27, 2016 04:19:36 PM)
Edited Eli Meyer (Jan. 27, 2016 04:26:29 PM)
Originally posted by Scott Marshall:
If we tweak Jeff's scenarios slightly, and the unrevealed card goes straight to hand instead of the top of the library, then HCE very much applies, and someone just wasted a tutor effect.
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