Edited Gareth Tanner (March 14, 2016 02:41:31 AM)
Originally posted by Gareth Tanner:
There is a discussion cur going on between some judges in my region about what sort of thing would require a double GRV.
The main one that is being discussed is Torpor Orb, if N controls a Torpor Orb and A plays a Kitchen Finks, announces the gain life Enter the Battlefield trigger and resolves it. In this case should we be giving N a GRV?
Originally posted by IPG:
If the judge believes that both players were responsible for a Game Rule Violation, such as due to the existence of replacement effects or a player taking action based on another players instruction, both players receive a Game Play Error – Game Rule Violation. For example, if a player casts Path to Exile on an opponent’s creature and the opponent puts the creature into the graveyard, both players receive this infraction.
Edited Marc Shotter (March 14, 2016 04:51:02 AM)
Originally posted by Marc Shotter:
Player N has Anafenza the Foremost and Player A puts a destroyed Siege Rhino they controlled in their graveyard. Result: Player A gets GRV, Player N gets GRV
Edited Toby Elliott (March 14, 2016 01:30:25 PM)