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Welcome to L4 Matteo!

March 15, 2016 01:53:23 PM

Damián Hiller
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Welcome to L4 Matteo!

The judge program is full of excellent people. And I use the word “excellent” in a very broad aspect: as humans, as project leaders, as volunteers for a greater good, as logistics experts, etc.

Their interests and involvement is among the most varied you can find in a given community:

  • Some like be​ing​ in the spotlight; to be recognized for their efforts and be known as the person who did ​something​, while some others are all about silently making the program better behind​ the​ curtain.
  • Some are all about specialization, focusing their efforts in particular areas of the program ​on a quest for proficiency whereas other​s​ are better suited​ to be​ the jack of ​all ​trades, exploring all there is to do and trying to be good in most if not all the different aspects that judging​ includes​.
  • Some like to work impacting their city/state/region​, while some others like to work ​on a larger scope affecting the international community.

Neither approach is right or wrong (​not at all, ​all of them are very important!)​,​ but some of the possible ​mix and match ​combinations may ​have someone ​go ​un​noticed and​ not adequately​ recognized, perhaps for longer than ​they​ should.

Matteo Callegari is one of those.

Matteo has for long worked in some of our highest profile project such as​ the​ level redefinition, community development,​ and​ more recently in the Conferences Sphere​.​ ​Many times he did not get the attention or spotlight he deserved because he wasn't in it for anything else than the community's improvement​,​ and as such​ he​ was happy to play secondary roles,​ ​​let​ting​ others take ​center​ stage.

Matteo has contributed on every ​aspect of the​ Judge​ ​P​rogram​:​ articles (check who has won Article of the Year. Now check who has earned it multiple years​!​), seminars, project work​,​ and great tournament skills​. From America (both North and South) to Asia and back to Europe, his homeland.
Now add ​to the mix some G​rand ​P​rix​ in the last year as XO, ​Appeals Judge​,​ and even Head Judge​,​ and that's the final touch to picture one of our finest judges.

Perhaps what took​​ longer than​ with​ most​ other Level 4 promotions​ was to ​gather​ all the pieces together​. Everyone was in agreement that Matteo was great,​ ​and by putting together the puzzle the senior judges​ came to the ​collective ​realization​​ ​of ​the full spectrum of​ ​Matteo's​ involvement and contributions​, earning him a spot among our highest level judges.

Congratulations Matteo on getting to ​​L​evel ​4 and hope you continue making us all better for many years to come!

Edited Damián Hiller (March 15, 2016 01:53:57 PM)