Edited Valentin Hauser (March 22, 2016 02:56:28 PM)
Originally posted by MTR 1.4:-and-
Backups involving random/unknown elements should be approached with extreme caution, especially if they cause or threaten to cause a situation in which a player will end up with different cards than they would once they have correctly drawn those cards. For example, returning cards to the library when a player has the ability to shuffle their library is not something that should be done except in extreme situations.
A good backup will result in a situation where the gained information makes no difference and the line of play remains the same (excepting the error, which has been fixed). This means limiting backups to situations with minimal decision trees.
backups are regarded as a solution of last resort, only applied in situations where leaving the game in the current state is a substantially worse solution
Edited Scott Marshall (March 22, 2016 03:26:19 PM)
Originally posted by Valentin Hauser:
You must return the Fetchland to Newtons hand and Adrian loses 2 life (Shambling Vent has lifelink) just to be super correct, but I get your point :)
Scott Marshall
You mentioned that investigation leads us to conclude honest mistakes, but our investigation would also inform us as to whether or not Newton had any other way to prevent the lethal combat damage. If his options were to play Crackling Doom (illegally), or lose the game, then I'd zip through a (mostly irrelevant) rewind and let the game end the way it should have. After all, leaving it as is seems substantially worse.