A problem I ran into very frequently at GP Barcelona was getting judge calls from players playing Spanish cards and either not speaking English at all, or speaking some English but not knowing the English name of the card. This can make it tricky to make accurate rulings if you, like me, don't speak Spanish or whatever language the cards are in. I've not been able to find a quick way of translating the card name to English to do an oracle lookup, so I created one that I would have wanted to have.
The difference between this and any other card searching enging, is that you can type your search term in any language. So if they're showing you a MORDISCO RABIOSO, you can just start typing that, and you'll see the English name, oracle text, name in all other printed languages, along with a link to Gatherer, in case you need to look at rulings.
One thing to note - the first time you load the page, it will perform a 9.2 mb download, so if limiting your data traffic is a concern, make sure to do this when you're on wifi. On subsequent loads, the app will automatically use your cached version, unless there's been a new set released since you last used it.
Once the search box appears, it doesn't need to perform any more network traffic, you've got every Magic card in existence cached on your phone and searches will be instant.
The tool is mainly intended for limited events, as that's where the problem of not knowing the English name of the card most frequently will come up. For constructed, you'll probably know the name of the card.
It will not be of any use to you if you have the exact wording of every card memorized, and are able to recall them all by looking at the artwork, which again might be tough (at least for me) especially in limited, with a new-ish set.
Anyway, here's the app -
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.cordova.mtgtranslatorIt's not good looking, but it does the job.
Please send me feedback and suggestions on what would make this more useful for you, and I'll try to accommodate them.
Edited Filip Haglund (April 25, 2016 07:47:53 AM)