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Using Wrong Checklist Card

April 24, 2016 07:33:21 AM

Andy Moore
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Great Lakes

Using Wrong Checklist Card

I had a player ask this outside of any matches. A player registers Thing in the Ice on their decklist. During a match they play a checklist card, retrieve Thing in the Ice from their deck box. At that point, the player realizes that the checklist card they are using is the common/uncommon card, and they have marked Daring Thief. They were unaware at that point that there are two different checklist cards in Shadows over Innistrad, and were simply looking for the 1U card on the checklist, and did not look at the names. How would we fix this?

My thought was that it depended on which card was determined to be “missing” from the deck, the DFC of Daring Thief or the checklist card for Thing in the Ice. If it was the checklist card, then the penalty would be a warning, and they need to either play with the DFC in the deck or find the correct checklist card. If it was Daring Thief, Game Loss and correct the decklist. I would choose to allow them to play with the Thing in the Ice, but would like to hear some opinions from other judges.

April 24, 2016 08:49:45 AM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Using Wrong Checklist Card

Did this happen between matches or not? You say he asked this outside of any matches, and then you say during a match. Did he notice this error during a match and then fail to call attention to it? How did he become aware of it? This sounds rather odd, of the “let's investigate” flavor.

In any event, if this was discovered when our boy played his “Daring Thief”, when a player uses a checklist card to represent a double faced card, the double faced card is considered not to exist for the purposes of deck legality.

Why do you say that the penalty for using the incorrect checklist card would be a Warning? I can't find anything in the IPG to support this conclusion.

We generally correct the list to match the deck, but here we have three sources of information: The marked checklist card, the double-faced card, and the decklist. In this case, I'd support correcting the checklist card (and decklist, if necessary) to match the double-faced card, as that seems to more accurately reflect the player's intent.

In any event, this deck does not match the decklist, so this is unambiguously a Game Loss.

However, if this was discovered outside any match, there's no infraction being committed. We can't issue a Game Loss for something that happened last round. We just need to verify that the player's decklist is legal and direct them to ensure that their deck matches their list. That will involve them finding a correct checklist card and adequately marking it before their next match.

Edited Dan Collins (April 24, 2016 08:50:03 AM)

April 24, 2016 11:57:45 AM

Andy Moore
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Great Lakes

Using Wrong Checklist Card

Just to clarify, this didn't happen during the event. The player was plates ting on site, and noticed there were two different checklist cards.

The reason I said to issue a warning is that there is a downgrade for a deck that is discovered to be missing cards after initial shuffling and presentation if those cards can be produced. To me, this situation reads that s card is missing, but could be produced.

Edited Andy Moore (April 24, 2016 12:01:02 PM)

April 24, 2016 12:11:35 PM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Using Wrong Checklist Card

But there isn't a missing card, there's an incorrect card. There is no Daring Thief in this player's decklist. If this is discovered during a game, it is a game loss. If, as you say, this /didn't/ happen during a match, then there's no infraction, and the player needs to ensure that they present a deck that matches their list in the future.

April 25, 2016 09:54:01 AM

Gregory Titov
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Using Wrong Checklist Card

(EDIT: Whoops, I vastly misread the original post and just kinda re-asked the same thing! Sorry about that. :( )

Edited Gregory Titov (April 25, 2016 10:29:34 AM)

April 25, 2016 10:03:25 AM

Shawn Doherty
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

Using Wrong Checklist Card

So, let me see if I can break this down:
1) Sob story about sloppy player
2) Player plays incorrect checklists
3) What do you do?

Ok, since part 1 doesn't matter and part 2 has been answered, I think we
should know the answer to part 3.

April 25, 2016 10:04:42 AM

Charlotte Sable
Judge (Level 3 (Magic Judges Finland))

Europe - North

Using Wrong Checklist Card

Representing a double-faced card in your deck with a checklist card
requires two elements: The appropriate double-faced card and the
appropriate official checklist card with the correct card indicated.

Getting either part incorrect causes there to be a deck/decklist problem
with the deck, and it should carry the appropriate penalties.

April 25, 2016 10:07:59 AM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Using Wrong Checklist Card

Isn't this the same as the original question? He has a Daring Sleuth (checklist card) or four in his deck, these are not registered, he will receive a game loss, and we will correct his deck to match his deck (yes, you read that correctly) by having him find the correct checklists or appropriate sleeves.

And no, neither of your Bonus Questions seem to alter how this situation would be handled under the Infraction Procedure Guide, so my answer would not change ;)

This sure is a popular sort of question this week, so let me be a bit clearer - once the checklist card is marked, it is no different from any other Authorized Game Card, with the exception that you must also have the card it represents available. If you put the wrong checklist, a mismarked checklist, or an unmarked checklist in your deck, this is no different from putting a wrong card into your deck or having missing cards in your deck. If you take an Origins checklist and sharpie “Avacyn” on it, this is no different from taking a basic Island and writing “Jace, the Mind Sculptor” on it - it doesn't magically become an Avacyn just because we've written Avacyn on it.