The only thing faster than a concession, is the Elbow of Justice (i.e., a Judge assessing a penalty).
Edited Dan Collins (June 14, 2016 11:18:52 AM)
Originally posted by Frankie Hughes:
104.3a A player can concede the game at any time. A player who concedes leaves the game immediately. He or she loses the game.
Edited Francesco Scialpi (June 14, 2016 05:18:51 PM)
The only thing faster than a concession, is the Elbow of Justice (i.e., a Judge assessing a penalty).
Originally posted by Scott Marshall:
I could pick up the top card of my library, intending to reveal it for Dark Confidant; realize that you haven't seen this card yet, and it's CMC is enough to kill me; concede before revealing it. I could do the same for Counterbalance, or Courser of Kruphix. (Yes, this is contrary to what Dan said, above.)
Edited Dan Collins (June 16, 2016 12:11:28 PM)
Originally posted by Jona Bemindt:So, full disclosure: this argument pops up every six months and has been beaten to death. But for everything “everyone” knows about, someone learns about it the first time on any given day. Congratulations, you're one of the ten thousand!
What illegal action are we talking about? The “at any time” seems to be quite all-compassing.
Originally posted by Eli Meyer:It came up (infrequently!) when Mindslaver was commonly played - but that doesn't contradict what you said, Eli. If anything, it confirms your “corner case” description.
I've literally never seen this call nor heard of it happening live. I'm sure that it comes up from time to time
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