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Knowledge Pool Scenarios » Post: Cry, cry, cry - SILVER

Cry, cry, cry - SILVER

Aug. 6, 2016 05:28:17 AM

David Larrea
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper


Cry, cry, cry - SILVER

Greetings judges! Welcome to another Knowledge Pool scenario. This week we have a SILVER scenario so L2 judges should wait until Sunday before they reply.

Here's the blog post.

You are the HJ of a Sealed PPTQ. Axl is playing with Norman. Axl is taking a mulligan to 4 while Norman kept his 7. Axl draws 4 and says “Keep, gonna Scry” and looks at 3 cards.
Norman asks him what is he doing and Axl answers “I Scry 3, one for each mulligan … right?”. Norman calls you after telling him that's not how he should Scry after taking mulligans.
When you get to the table, they explain what's happened and Axl apologizes because it's his first tournament.
What do you do?

Aug. 6, 2016 12:26:59 PM

Quinten van de Vrie
Judge (Uncertified)


Cry, cry, cry - SILVER

I will explain that Axl has comitted a Hidden Card Error. The 3 cards Axl is looking at will be revealed and Norman will get to choose two cards out of those that will be shuffled back into the library. Then Axl will get to complete his pre-game scry with the one remaining card.
Axl will receive a warning GPE-HCE for this.

Aug. 6, 2016 09:48:40 PM

Mark Mason
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

Cry, cry, cry - SILVER

This is a PPTQ so it is Competitive REL. IPG makes it clear even with the new kid on the block, (Game Play Error, Mulligan Procedure Error), “Scrying” more than 1 card is treated as a “GPE-Hidden Card Error)

So here's the activity.

First, I would investigate a little to eliminate cheating provided this isn't round one match one. I might ask if the player has had to mull below 6 in any previous games today, etc.

Provided I have no sense there is cheating, I would educate the player on the Vancouver Mulligan Procedure. Tell him that I'll be issuing a warning for Game Play Error, Hidden Card Error. Ensuring there is no appeal. I will apply the fix.

In this case, Axl will reveal the 3 cards seen while scrying to Norman who will be instructed to pick one of the three cards to be the ”top card“. The other two will be randomized into the library. The complete deck will be shuffled since this is the start of the match; therefor, there is no ”non-random" part of the deck.

At that point, Axl may resolve his scy on the selected, unshuffled card leaving it on top or putting it to the bottom.

Note the warning on the slip.

Aug. 10, 2016 01:59:14 AM

Mark Mason
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

Cry, cry, cry - SILVER

After judging yesterday, I remembered something I forgot in my answer. Take notice of the time when I arrive at the table to give extra time as needed. I also forgot this while judging yesterday. Real judging is a sharp learning curve. I know I grow every time.

Aug. 12, 2016 09:21:10 AM

Scott Markwart
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Great Lakes

Cry, cry, cry - SILVER

Originally posted by Quinten van de Vrie:

I will explain that Axl has comitted a Hidden Card Error. The 3 cards Axl is looking at will be revealed and Norman will get to choose two cards out of those that will be shuffled back into the library. Then Axl will get to complete his pre-game scry with the one remaining card.
Axl will receive a warning GPE-HCE for this.

Quinten is spot on here (assuming the set of 3 “scry'd” cards hasn't for some reason joined another set of cards). This is a new inclusion to the IPG that came with the July 22, 2016 update.

IPG 2.4 - Game Play Error - Mulligan Procedure Error

"A player makes an error during the mulligan process. This infraction does not apply to errors made once pre-game procedures are complete. “Scrying” for more than one card after taking a mulligan is treated as a Hidden Card Error."

Axl has also acknowledged that he was intentionally looking at the 3 cards, so we can rule out GPE-LEC due to sleeves sticking together.

Aug. 19, 2016 12:25:14 PM

David Larrea
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper


Cry, cry, cry - SILVER

Judges it time to wrap up!
As Mark has noted, the key thing for this scenario is this text from IPG:
Game Play Error — Mulligan Procedure Error
A player makes an error during the mulligan process. This infraction does not apply to errors made once pre-game procedures are complete. “Scrying” for more than one card after taking a mulligan is treated as a Hidden Card Error.

This is why Axl has comitted GPE-HCE, as the latest GPE-MPE clarifies, and he will recieve a Warning for his infraction.
To fix the situation Axl will show Norman the cards he looked while scrying, he will remove two excess cards, we will shuffle them in the library and Axl will finish resolving Scry with the remaining card. And of course, give extra time to players so that they can play 50 minutes.