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Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Oct. 17, 2016 02:53:49 AM

Keng Siang Ooi
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Southeast Asia

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

I believe players and judges deserve a better design and functional app that what we currently have, so I came out an app for Android / iOS / Windows (including Phone) which I think it has some unique features that can fill up some of the gap which other MTG judge apps might be missing yet. The app is call Bugko and I would like to take this opportunity to share with you all (and shamelessly self-promote my own app at the same time). I just going to mention those features that are designed for judges, feel free to discover the rest by yourself.

The app is still in active development stage, if you have any suggestion or feedback, feel free to leave one in this forum post or you can write to me directly

Complete Offline Card Database
A Japanese player ask for translation of an English card text to Japanese during a judge call. What will you do? Most MTG app only show English oracle text. Open Gatherer and hope the Internet connection is fast by jumping through multiple screens to get the card text or call another Japanese judge to help out? It is a very simple judge call, but it end up causing 1-2 valuable judge’s time just to answer a simple call.

Bugko include all printed languages available on Gatherer for each card into its offline database. Yes, all printed languages which include English, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish available without Internet connection. If Internet connection is available, the card image from all languages will be shown as well.

Syntax Search
Do you have this problem that you can’t remember certain card’s name when player requesting the oracle text of a foreign card. Searching card without card name can be very challenging especially on a small mobile device screen where it need to go through multiple filters and screens before getting the information needed. It is time consuming. (Some app include card recognition through camera, but most of them required Internet connection to work correctly, which can be a problem when judging at GP in other country)

Bugko borrowed the concept of syntax search in / scryfall where you can direct add filtering options into text box to search much faster. The syntax used is modified to work better on mobile phone with smaller keyboard, but most of the syntaxes are backward compatible with / scryfall. It also build with auto suggestion to assist user getting the correct syntaxes or options when search. Searching for a blue instant card in standard with 1 CMC? Just enter “c.u t.instant f.std cmc.1” and search!

Multi-Language Search
Not everyone own / play Magic in English language. For example, if you used to play / judge at play group using Chinese language cards, it will be much easier to search for the card using card's name in Chinese instead of card's name in English. Most app including Gartherer only support English card's name look up.

You can search using any language on Bugko (the card must be printed in that language previously). It even came with auto-complete supported for the card's name you entered. The feature is off by default.

Quick References
The judge handbook is the best way to get a quick reference when you need something simple and quick. It is designed to fit as much information into a piece of A4 paper as possible. A mobile app should do better that, because phone / tablet wasn’t constrained by the paper size and black / white printing.

Bugko capture all information inside the handbook, rearrangement, redesign and fit them natively into the app. If you need further information, just click on the list and it will bring you to CR rule or details IPG explanation. Judges requested a quick reference for penalty write up format for WER vs. WLTR, Bugko heard that and deliver that into it as well.

Searchable Offline Comprehensive Rule
Offline comprehensive rule feature? Check! Comprehensive rule is powerful but some time can be overloaded when you just need that specified rule. Searching on comprehensive rule can be very tricky especially most app only support very basic search on comprehensive rule. Sometime basic search just isn’t good enough. If you are searching for “exile” + “owner”, you probably won’t get any result.

Bugko support search for both exact and any keywords you entered. For example searching “exile owner” will give you result contains “exile” and “owner”. Result with “exile owner” connected will be given higher priority and display first. All found keyword will be automatically highlighted to let you focus on the result you want.

Complete Offline Infraction Procedure Guide
If IPG reference inside Quick Refernece aren't enough. Bugko included the full IPG document inside the app with build-in filter function to look for certain keyword easily. It can even directly link from reference for quick details during a judge call.

Scripted Draft Timer
Recent tournament rule changes which make draft review period from 30/45 to 60/90. This changes break most of the draft timer in available in existing MTG apps. Besides, many draft timer app is designed for experienced judges, without any help or script to guide judge what to instruct the player, it can be a panic moment for inexperience judges during called draft.

Inspired by the draft timer created by Denis Sokolov, Bugko added a draft timer feature with script to guide judge step by step what to instruct / announce to player when call for draft. No more panicking top-8 draft call out moment. Bugko support all 3 draft types included in tournament rule document, which is Individual Draft, 2HG Draft and Team Rochester Draft. It also included both 14 cards and 15 cards option (important for 2HG draft call).

Multiple Tournament Timers
Did you ever placed to floor judge multiple side events in a GP, where all round's end time written on the paper. Are you going to do the math calculation every time player ask how much time left? Or try to set a timer using the end time on your phone?

Bugko added a simple countdown timer that capable to track multiple countdown at the same time. Got an end time instead of duration? Let the app do the math for you. Forget the time required for deck construction? Let the app do that for you too.

Other Features
  • Offline Card Specified Rulings / Q&A
  • Offline Documents
  • Multiple Popular Formats Banlist Supported
  • Decklist Counter
  • Judges Blog News Feed
  • Text Copy / Share Supported

Android (Play Store):
iOS App Store:
Windows 10:
Windows Phone 8.1:

Question and Answer
Q: What version of Android is supported?
A: KitKat or above (API 19+).

Q: What version of iOS is supported?
A: iOS 9.0 and above.

Q: What version of Windows Phone is supported?
A: Windows Phone 8.1 and above, including Windows 10 mobile.

Q: Why I saw two versions for the same app in Windows Store?
A: One is for Windows Phone 8.1 (it is compatible with Windows 10 Mobile) while the other one is designed for Windows 10 / Universal Windows Platform (Mobile & Desktop).

Q: How much is the app?
A: Free but with minimum advertisement to continue keep the app updated and feed the server used by the app.

Q: How frequent the internal card database got updated?
A: Once the card information is available on Gartherer, the app should receive a new update within 3 days.

Q: I didn't see the latest set / cards in the app.
A: Make sure you update your app on Play Store / App Store.

Q: Why the installation size is so huge?
A: Imagine the app have to squeeze the whole Gatherer database with multiple languages into your phone.

Q: Why the app got renamed or rebranded from MTGBugs?
A: It seem like some parties aren't happy with the app name and filed a takedown notice to Google. To avoid further trouble, I renamed the app. If you are interested, here is the full story.

Edited Keng Siang Ooi (Aug. 18, 2018 11:14:55 PM)

Oct. 17, 2016 03:25:50 AM

Dominik Chłobowski
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Instead of grabbing the IPG from the pdf, it might be easier to grab it

2016-10-17 2:54 GMT-04:00 Keng Siang Ooi <

Oct. 17, 2016 05:57:46 AM

Keng Siang Ooi
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Southeast Asia

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Originally posted by Dominik Chłobowski:

Instead of grabbing the IPG from the pdf, it might be easier to grab it
Thanks for your information. That definitely is an easier way than the PDF document.

Oct. 31, 2016 05:42:01 AM

Dmitry Zelyanin
Judge (Uncertified)


Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

The link to Play Google is broken.

Oct. 31, 2016 06:20:30 AM

Keng Siang Ooi
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Southeast Asia

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Originally posted by Dmitry Zelyanin:

The link to Play Google is broken.
So sorry for that.
The app on Google Play Store is down currently. Some party aren't happy with the app name using “MTG” word in the app name and issue a take down notice, I'm currently in the process the get a new one with a new name to upload and replace.
Will update this post once I done.
Sorry for the trouble.

Nov. 1, 2016 01:32:39 PM

Alexandra Yang
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Isn't there an app that lets you scan the picture of a Magic card to find the name? Or maybe I'm remembering wrong… but if it does exist, that could be useful too in this situation!

Nov. 1, 2016 07:34:33 PM

Keng Siang Ooi
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Southeast Asia

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Originally posted by Alexandra Yang:

Isn't there an app that lets you scan the picture of a Magic card to find the name? Or maybe I'm remembering wrong… but if it does exist, that could be useful too in this situation!
Yes, there is one I found on Android, call Delver Lens. It is pretty accurate and cool.

Nov. 2, 2016 01:29:20 AM

Violet Moon
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific West

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

MTG Familiar also has that functionality.

On Wed, Nov 2, 2016, 00:35 Keng Siang Ooi <> wrote:

*Alexandra Yang*

Isn't there an app that lets you scan the picture of a Magic card to find
the name? Or maybe I'm remembering wrong… but if it does exist, that could
be useful too in this situation!

Yes, there is one I found on Android, call Delver Lens. It is pretty
accurate and cool.

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Jan. 25, 2017 10:11:46 AM

Keng Siang Ooi
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Southeast Asia

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Draft time features added.
Note: The timer use the 60/90 seconds for review period defined by the new January 2017 tournament rule update instead of the old 30/45 seconds.

May 3, 2017 11:35:53 PM

Keng Siang Ooi
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Southeast Asia

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Quick References and Decklist Counter features added.

May 7, 2017 09:07:34 AM

Rogério Nascimento
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper


Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Hi Gelugor,

First of all Thanks for your excellent work. I am user of windowsphone and there is no other app that a judge can use. BugsNext, and now Bugko, is almost perfect.
Two points:
1 - Why a button for a Random Card? I see no use for it.
2 - As told before, the scan tool(similar to delver lens) is a cool thing and at this moment there is no one for WP. Create a binder just by scanning cards is pretty usefull.


Edited Rogério Nascimento (May 7, 2017 09:14:41 AM)

May 7, 2017 07:50:46 PM

Keng Siang Ooi
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Southeast Asia

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Originally posted by Rogério Nascimento:

Hi Gelugor,

First of all Thanks for your excellent work. I am user of windowsphone and there is no other app that a judge can use. BugsNext, and now Bugko, is almost perfect.
Two points:
1 - Why a button for a Random Card? I see no use for it.
2 - As told before, the scan tool(similar to delver lens) is a cool thing and at this moment there is no one for WP. Create a binder just by scanning cards is pretty usefull.


Hi Rogério Nascimento,

Thanks for your compliment.
1. That is a request from user long time ago which they wanted something to give them a random card (similar feature in Gartherer). As the menu list getting longer and longer, it might not be a best place to put there.
2. Well, actually there is an extensive effort trying to make that happen, but we face a technical difficulty in order to get the local database phone to work correctly and we don't want to use Internet connection to do that like other app. Currently we still stuck at this stage.


P.S.: Gelugor is the city where I live in…

May 19, 2017 01:46:40 AM

Keng Siang Ooi
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Southeast Asia

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Updated the app with comp rule version 20170428.

June 1, 2017 11:42:28 PM

Keng Siang Ooi
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Southeast Asia

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Updated the app with IPG document, redesign Comp Rule and Quick Reference now can link directly to related rule in Comp. Rule or IPG.

July 18, 2017 05:15:36 AM

Bowei Shi
Judge (Uncertified)

Southeast Asia

Introduction to Bugko for Android / iOS / Windows / Windows Phone

Legalities of cards in Unglued and Unhinged are false. They are illegal in Legacy Vintage Commander and so on.