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Tournament Operations » Post: Linking the prizes of a tournament to a sports bet

Linking the prizes of a tournament to a sports bet

Nov. 4, 2016 10:38:10 PM

Pedro Gonçalves
Judge (Uncertified)


Linking the prizes of a tournament to a sports bet

Hello all,

this weekend there will be a football game (soccer, for our American friends) between the top 2 Teams in the league. In what I assume is an effort to improve attendence for a Sunday Modern tournament, a TO is giving out an extra prize pack to the Top players of that tournament that guess the football match result right, and doubling their winnings if they get the result exactly right.

The Magic Tournament Rules only forbid betting in the tournament itself (MTR 5.3 - Wagering: Tournament participants, tournament officials, and spectators may not wager, ante, or bet on any portion (including the outcome) of a tournament, match, or game.), but I'm still feeling uncomfortable with this situation. Is this OK?

Edited Pedro Gonçalves (Nov. 4, 2016 10:42:21 PM)

Nov. 5, 2016 12:57:34 AM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Linking the prizes of a tournament to a sports bet

Please encourage the TO to check with their WPN rep before they try this.


Nov. 5, 2016 05:45:55 AM

Pedro Gonçalves
Judge (Uncertified)


Linking the prizes of a tournament to a sports bet

It appears that the WPN rep is OK with this. Thanks for the advice, though.

Nov. 6, 2016 09:07:49 PM

Gareth Pye
Judge (Level 2 (Oceanic Judge Association))

Ringwood, Australia

Linking the prizes of a tournament to a sports bet

On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 7:46 AM, Pedro Gonçalves
<> wrote:
> It appears that the WPN rep is OK with this. Thanks for the advice, though.

It might bear mentioning that this sounds area dependant enough that
I'd encourage any TO wanting to do it to check with their WPN rep. You
may get a different answer and that might be the correct answer for
your area, not all answers apply to all parts of the globe.

Gareth Pye -
Level 2 MTG Judge, Melbourne, Australia