Edited Eric Paré (Jan. 11, 2017 01:32:47 PM)
Edited Gaël Lafenêtre (Jan. 11, 2017 02:58:28 PM)
Edited Peter Davies (Jan. 11, 2017 05:23:35 PM)
Edited Harm Tacoma (Jan. 12, 2017 07:07:31 AM)
Originally posted by Harm Tacoma:
1. Were the top 2 cards known to the player?
If the error put cards into a set prematurely and other operations involving cards in the set should have been performed first, the player reveals the set of cards that contains the excess and his or her opponent chooses a number of previously-unknown cards. Put those cards aside until the point at which they should have been legally added, then return them to the set.
Edited Isaac King (Jan. 16, 2017 06:12:23 PM)
If the error put cards into a set prematurely and other operations involving cards in the set should have been performed first, the player reveals the set of cards that contains the excess and his or her opponent chooses a number of previously-unknown cards. Put those cards aside until the point at which they should have been legally added, then return them to the set.
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