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Prerelease <8 players

Jan. 15, 2017 08:34:47 AM

Olivier Wattel
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper


Prerelease <8 players

At 18:00 (so in less than half an hour) I'm judging a prerelease. However, at this moment, I have no participants. What do I do if I get less than 8 players? Quick responses are greatly appreciated.

Jan. 15, 2017 08:41:46 AM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Prerelease <8 players

From the MTR:
10.1 Participation Minimums

Participation minimums for a tournament to be sanctioned as a rated tournament are as follows:
  • For individual tournaments, a minimum of eight (8) players must participate.
  • For team and Two-Headed Giant tournaments, a minimum of four (4) teams must participate.
If the participation minimum is not met, the tournament is no longer DCI-sanctioned and will not provide Planeswalker Points. If participation minimums are not met for any DCI-sanctioned tournament, the Tournament Organizer should report the tournament as “Did Not Occur.”
Basically, if you have less than 8 players, you can't run the event.

Jan. 15, 2017 08:41:59 AM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Prerelease <8 players

Sanctioned events require 8 players; unsanctioned do not. I believe that you must sanction events in order to use prerelease kits (that should be in your paperwork) - i.e., any use that doesn't exactly match 1:1 with sanctioned participants is a violation. That's to avoid any sort of “sales” of new product before the release date, so I know that's something Wizards has always taken seriously.

If you can, contact your local WPN rep or someone in the Wizards' EU office, to see if you can get an exception. Lacking that, I would not even consider running that event.

Hope this helps; I'll admit, I haven't run a prerelease for a number of years, but I'm fairly certain that Wizards is still very concerned about proper use of that product, and preventing sales prior to next Friday.


Jan. 15, 2017 08:55:23 AM

Olivier Wattel
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper


Prerelease <8 players

Issue resolved, I'm at 11 players now, including 3 people who are apparently called comma :D