Edited Lyle Waldman (Jan. 6, 2017 03:03:31 PM)
Originally posted by Lyle Waldman:
This question came up because I met someone (online) who bought a collection containing a couple of cards which fit the below criteria, so this is not corner-case.
Originally posted by MTR3.10:
The judge may disallow the card sleeves if he or she believes they are marked, worn, or otherwise in a condition or of a design that interferes with shuffling or game play.
Originally posted by Jeff S Higgins:
Randomizing 60 cards in toploaders is going to take excessive amounts of time
Originally posted by Yurick Costa:
Would any of your answers change if the scenario was presented with a
somewhat thick sleeve (to prevent from feeling the rip) instead of
Originally posted by Gareth Tanner:
“Will this card be considered Marked?”
This feels like a question that is next to impossible to answer without the card in hand, being ripped in half is a pretty big thing to “undo” from a marked point of view it is possible to get to the point it's not marked but I wouldn't feel happy giving an answer to a player without cards in hand
Edited Lyle Waldman (Jan. 18, 2017 03:20:28 PM)
Originally posted by Justin Miyashiro:
Playing your deck in toploaders is not especially feasible to me, mostly
because cards, even in sleeves, do not fit perfectly into toploaders and
thus the position of the card within the toploader can make the cards
Marked (i.e. some cards are shifted all the way left in the toploader,
others are centered, etc.). This is something that is difficult to control
over the course of a tournament, even if your cards do not begin the event
off-centered. Unless he has some way to ensure that the cards will not
move within the toploader, AND the cards are all positioned identically
(which is very hard to accomplish) I'm not sure we can allow him to
continue in this way.
I suppose if the player somehow had opaque-backed toploaders, which I have
never seen but is certainly a possibility, then they might be permissible.
He would be required to be able to randomize his deck, but we allow Battle
of Wits decks and I don't see a 60-card deck in toploaders as being more
arduous to shuffle than that. Otherwise, as long as he can keep the
toploaders from being marked, I think I would be ok with that.
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